Sr.No. | Date of issue | Descri-ption of goods | Tariff classi-fication Chapter Heading / Sub Heading | Quan-tity remo-ved | Identi-fication marks if any | Premises factory to which removed | Challan No. and Date | Nature of Proce-sses required | Initials of asse-ssee | Date of clear-ance of finish-ed goods from premi-ses of job worker | Quan-tity of finish-ed goods clear-ed by job worker | Differ-ence bet-ween Col. 5 and 12 | Quantum of waste material received back/ cleared by job worker | Invoice No. & Date/ ARE No. & Date | Particu-lars of payment of duty | Date of Export if the finish-ed goods are cleared for export | Rema-rks | Init-ials of asse-ssee |