Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy

(This Notification has been suppressed vide NTF. NO. 11/2014-CE (NT), DT. 28/02/2014)

NTF. NO. 73/2003-CE(N.T.), DT. 15/09/2003

Quarterly Return under Rule 7 of the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2002 for the Registered Dealers


In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (6) of rule 7 of the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2002, the Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby specifies the following form for the quarterly return for the registered dealers for the purposes of the said rule, namely :-

Quarterly Return under Rule 7 of the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2002
for the Registered Dealers
{See sub-rule (6) of rule 7}


Return for the quarter ending -----------------

1. Name of the first stage/second stage dealer :

2. Excise registration number :

3. Address :

4. Particulars of invoices issued by first stage/second stage dealer :

S.No. Invoice No. with date For the main item in the document*
    Description of the goods Central Excise Tariff Heading Quantity Amount of duty involved (Rs.)

5. Particulars of the documents based on which the credit is passed on:

S.No. Invoice/ Bill of entry No. with date Name and address of the manufacturer/ importer or the first stage dealer (as the case may be) For the main item in the document*
      Description of the goods Central Excise Tariff Heading Amount of duty involved (Rs.)

* Give details with respect to the item with maximum duty covered by the document



Signature of the registered person or the authorised signatory

Name in capital letters
Seal of the registered dealer.

2. This notification shall come into force on and from 1st day of October, 2003.

[F.No. 201/6/2002-CX.6 (Pt.2)]

(Vijay Mohan Jain)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

(Please refer Cir. No. 747/63/2003-CE, DT. 22/9/2003 for New formats of return to be filed by SSI/Non SSI manufacturers, EOU and Registered dealers)

Presented by eximkey.com

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