Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy


AD Code No__________________________________
(for payments other than imports and
remittances covering intermediary trade)
Form No.____________________________________
            (To be filled in by the Authorised Dealer)
  Serial No.____________________________________
               (for use of Reserve Bank of India) 
Application for Remittance AbroadCurrency _______________ Amount______________
Equivalent to Rs.______________________________
                  (To be completed by Authorised Dealer)

I/We wish to purchase/transfer ____________________________________________________________through                                                               (Name of currency and amount in words)________________________________________________________________________________ for payment to                           (Name and address of Authorised Dealer)______________________________________________________ by remitting the amount / by credit to the ac-                  (Name and address of the beneficiary)count of_________________________________________________________________________________for the(Full title of the account & country of non-resident bank and name of AD with whom account is maintained)purpose indicated below:(Remitter should put a tick (ü ) against an appropriate purpose code. In case of doubt/difficulty,consult your banker.)
Code Purpose Code Purpose

Capital Account Transactions Insurance

S001 Investment in shares abroad by residents S501 Life insurance premium

S002 Investment in Debt Securities abroad by residents S502 General insurance premium

S003 Investment is branches/subsidiaries abroad by residents S503 Reinsurance premium

S004 Investment in real estate abroad by residents S504 Insurance commission

S005 Repatriation of foreign investment in shares S510* Other insurance payments

S006 Repatriation of foreign investment in Debt Securities Other Services

S007 Repatriation of foreign investment in subsidiaries/ branches S601 Postal/Telecom services

S008 Repatriation of foreign investment in real estate S602 Projects abroad

S009* Loans to non-residents S603 Band charges/commission

S010* Repayment of LT/MT loans S604 Soft/Hardware consultancy, services

S011* Repatriation of NR deposits S605 Subscription to periodicals, Correspondence courses

S012 Repayment of ST (6 m. to 1 Yr.) Loans S606 Computer and IT services

S013 Repayment of loans/ODs by banks S607 Royalty, License fees

S014 Notional sale for credit to NRI deposits S608 Professional service, Technical fees

S015* Other capital account payments S609* Refunds and rebates on trade

Other import payments not covered by form A1 S610* Other remittances

S103 Imports by diplomatic mission Government, Not included elsewhere

S104 Imports under intermediary trade S701 Maintenance of Indian Embassies

Travel S702 Remittance by Foreign Embassies

S301 Business travel Transfers

S302 Travel for Medical purpose S801 Foreigners family maintenance

S303 Travel for education S802 Private gift/donation

S304 Basic Travel Quota (BTQ) S803 Grants/donations to charity by Govt

S305 Travel for pilgrimage S804 Contribution by Govt. to international institutions

S310* Other travel payments(Including credit card) S810* Other transfers

Transportation Income

S 401 Shipping transport - Remittance by fgn. cos. S901 Interest on NRI deposits

S402 Air transport - Remittance by fgn. cos S902 Interest on loans

S403 . Shipping transport - Remittance by Indian cos S903 Dividends, profits

S404 Air transport - Remittance by Indian cos S904 Interest on debentures/bonds

S405 Freight on imports S905 Interest on ODs in Nostro A/c

S406 Freight on exports S906 Salary of Non-residents

S407 Charter hire charges (Airline cos.) S910* Other income

S408 Charter hire charges (Shipping cos.)

S409 Booking of passage in foreign countries

S410* Other transportation (e.g. demurrage, etc.)

* Please give full details _________________________________________________________

I / We hereby declare that the statements made by me / us on this form are true and that I / we have not applied for an authorisation through any other bank.

I / We declare and understand that the foreign exchange to be acquired / payment to be ade by me /us pursuant to this application shall be used / made by me / us only for the purpose for which it is acquired / to be made and that the conditions subject to which the exchange/permission is granted will be complied with.

I/We desire to travel to __________via___________for the purpose of___________________ Passage has beenbooked through_________________________________________________ (Name of airline/shipping co.or passage agent)____________________The date of departure is ______________The exchange is required in the form of
 Currency Amount
Notes & Coins_____________ _____________
TCs _____________ _____________
Draft _____________ _____________
Letter of Credit _____________ _____________
Total _____________ _____________

Name of Applicant (s) ____________________________ Nationality of Applicant (s) _________________Address of Applicant (s) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Date _________________                                  Signature of Applicant(s)/Authorised Official
(Space for comments of the Authorised Dealers)While forwarding the application to Reserve Bank ofIndia for approval, reference to ECM paragraph / ADcircular in terms of which the reference is made should invariably be cited.)Approval for similar remittances was obtained from the Reserve Bank of India vide permit No._________________ dated _________________.
(Stamp and Signature of Authorised Official)
Name & Designation_____________________
Name & Address of Authorised Dealer ______

Date ______________

Certificate to be furnished by Authorised Dealers (Applicants Banker)

    We hereby certify that

  1. the remittance has been made
    In terms of authority delegated to authorised dealers vide paragraph__________ of the Exchange Control Manual and / or AD Circular No. ______________________ dated __________________________


    In terms of Reserve Bank Permit No. ________________ dated ___________________

  2. all the Exchange Control regulations applicable to the remittance have been complied with.

  3. documentary evidence in support of the payment has been verified.

  4. payment to the beneficiary has been/will be made through _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Name and address of the designated bank in ACU member country)

(Stamp and Signature of Authorised Official)
Name & Designation_____________________
Name & Address of Authorised Dealer ______

Date: ___________________

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