FORM A2 | AD Code No__________________________________ |
(for payments other than imports and remittances covering intermediary trade) | Form No.____________________________________ (To be filled in by the Authorised Dealer) |
| Serial No.____________________________________ (for use of Reserve Bank of India) |
Application for Remittance Abroad | Currency _______________ Amount______________ Equivalent to Rs.______________________________ (To be completed by Authorised Dealer) |
I/We wish to purchase/transfer ____________________________________________________________through (Name of currency and amount in words)________________________________________________________________________________ for payment to (Name and address of Authorised Dealer)______________________________________________________ by remitting the amount / by credit to the ac- (Name and address of the beneficiary)count of_________________________________________________________________________________for the(Full title of the account & country of non-resident bank and name of AD with whom account is maintained)purpose indicated below:(Remitter should put a tick (ü ) against an appropriate purpose code. In case of doubt/difficulty,consult your banker.)
Code | Purpose | Code | Purpose
Capital Account Transactions | Insurance
S001 | Investment in shares abroad by residents | S501 | Life insurance premium
S002 | Investment in Debt Securities abroad by residents | S502 | General insurance premium
S003 | Investment is branches/subsidiaries abroad by residents | S503 | Reinsurance premium
S004 | Investment in real estate abroad by residents | S504 | Insurance commission
S005 | Repatriation of foreign investment in shares | S510* | Other insurance payments
S006 | Repatriation of foreign investment in Debt Securities | Other Services
S007 | Repatriation of foreign investment in subsidiaries/ branches | S601 | Postal/Telecom services
S008 | Repatriation of foreign investment in real estate | S602 | Projects abroad
S009* | Loans to non-residents | S603 | Band charges/commission
S010* | Repayment of LT/MT loans | S604 | Soft/Hardware consultancy, services
S011* | Repatriation of NR deposits | S605 | Subscription to periodicals, Correspondence courses
S012 | Repayment of ST (6 m. to 1 Yr.) Loans | S606 | Computer and IT services
S013 | Repayment of loans/ODs by banks | S607 | Royalty, License fees
S014 | Notional sale for credit to NRI deposits | S608 | Professional service, Technical fees
S015* | Other capital account payments | S609* | Refunds and rebates on trade
Other import payments not covered by form A1 | S610* | Other remittances
S103 | Imports by diplomatic mission | Government, Not included elsewhere
S104 | Imports under intermediary trade | S701 | Maintenance of Indian Embassies
Travel | S702 | Remittance by Foreign Embassies
S301 | Business travel | Transfers
S302 | Travel for Medical purpose | S801 | Foreigners family maintenance
S303 | Travel for education | S802 | Private gift/donation
S304 | Basic Travel Quota (BTQ) | S803 | Grants/donations to charity by Govt
S305 | Travel for pilgrimage | S804 | Contribution by Govt. to international institutions
S310* | Other travel payments(Including credit card) | S810* | Other transfers
Transportation | Income
S 401 | Shipping transport - Remittance by fgn. cos. | S901 | Interest on NRI deposits
S402 | Air transport - Remittance by fgn. cos | S902 | Interest on loans
S403 | . Shipping transport - Remittance by Indian cos | S903 | Dividends, profits
S404 | Air transport - Remittance by Indian cos | S904 | Interest on debentures/bonds
S405 | Freight on imports | S905 | Interest on ODs in Nostro A/c
S406 | Freight on exports | S906 | Salary of Non-residents
S407 | Charter hire charges (Airline cos.) | S910* | Other income
S408 | Charter hire charges (Shipping cos.)
S409 | Booking of passage in foreign countries
S410* | Other transportation (e.g. demurrage, etc.) |
* Please give full details _________________________________________________________
I / We hereby declare that the statements made by me / us on this form are true and that I / we have not applied for an authorisation through any other bank.
I / We declare and understand that the foreign exchange to be acquired / payment to be ade by me /us pursuant to this application shall be used / made by me / us only for the purpose for which it is acquired / to be made and that the conditions subject to which the exchange/permission is granted will be complied with.
I/We desire to travel to __________via___________for the purpose of___________________ Passage has beenbooked through_________________________________________________ (Name of airline/shipping co.or passage agent)____________________The date of departure is ______________The exchange is required in the form of
| Currency | Amount |
Notes & Coins | _____________ | _____________ |
TCs | _____________ | _____________ |
Draft | _____________ | _____________ |
Letter of Credit | _____________ | _____________ |
Total | _____________ | _____________ |
Name of Applicant (s) ____________________________ Nationality of Applicant (s) _________________Address of Applicant (s) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Date _________________ Signature of Applicant(s)/Authorised Official
(Space for comments of the Authorised Dealers)While forwarding the application to Reserve Bank ofIndia for approval, reference to ECM paragraph / ADcircular in terms of which the reference is made should invariably be cited.)Approval for similar remittances was obtained from the Reserve Bank of India vide permit No._________________ dated _________________.
______________________________________ |
(Stamp and Signature of Authorised Official) |
Name & Designation_____________________ |
Name & Address of Authorised Dealer ______ |
Date ______________
Certificate to be furnished by Authorised Dealers (Applicants Banker)We hereby certify that
- the remittance has been made
In terms of authority delegated to authorised dealers vide paragraph__________ of the Exchange Control Manual and / or AD Circular No. ______________________ dated __________________________
In terms of Reserve Bank Permit No. ________________ dated ___________________
- all the Exchange Control regulations applicable to the remittance have been complied with.
- documentary evidence in support of the payment has been verified.
- payment to the beneficiary has been/will be made through _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Name and address of the designated bank in ACU member country)______________________________________ |
(Stamp and Signature of Authorised Official) |
Name & Designation_____________________ |
Name & Address of Authorised Dealer ______ |
Date: ___________________