(To be printed on White paper)
(To be completed for transfer of rupeesfrom/to the account of a non-residentbank other than for transactionswith the public in India) | | A. D. Code No. ___________________________ Form No._________________________________ (To be filled by authorised dealer) |
Serial No._________________________________ (for use of Reserve Bank of India) |
We have effected/seek permission to effect the following transfer.________________________________________________________________________________________________From the account of_____________________________________________________________________________ (Full title of account of non-resident bank debited, stating________________________________ at ___________________________________________________________country of residence) (Name of authorised dealer with whom account is kept)for transfer to_________________________________________________________________________________ (Full title of account of non-resident bank credited, stating____________________ at ________________________________________________________________________country of residence) (Name of authorised dealer with whom account is kept)Amount Rs._______________ _____________________________________________________________________ (in figures) (in words)The purpose of the transfer is_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We certify that Exchange Control regulations relating to the above transfer have been compliedwith. Similar transaction was approved by the Reserve Bank vide approval No.................... dated ............
| | (Signature of Authorised Official) |
| | Name |
| Stamp | Designation |
| | Name and Address of |
Date:.................... | | Authorised dealer |
NOTES: 1. Where accounts of non-resident banks are put in funds against purchase of foreign currency, the transferor portion of the form may be completed indicating merely "Against Purchase of _____________ ______________" (currency) (amount) 2. Where debits to accounts of non-resident banks are made towards sale of foreign currency to them, the transferee portion of the form may be completed indicating merely "Against sale of _____________ ____________" (currency) (amount) 3. While forwarding the application to Reserve Bank for approval, reference to Exchange Control Manual paragraph/AD circular in terms of which the reference is being made should invariably be cited.