Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy

[Paragraph 5 B.2(ii) and (iii)]
Statement of foreign currency balances held abroad by authorised dealers and balances held in non-resident rupee/ACU Dollar accounts of overseas branches and correspondents as at the end of

(Month and Year)

Name and address of Authorised Dealer_________________________A.D.Code No.___________

Country Currency Foreign Currency balances held abroad in Balances held by overseas branches and correspondents in non-resident accounts in
Current Account@ Fixed Deposits Treasury bills Securities Loans Total (1) to (6) Indian Rupees* ACU Dollars#
Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
U.K. Stg.            
U.S.A. US $            
Canada Can. $            
Switzerland Sw. Fcs.            
France F. Fcs.            
Australia Aus. $            
Etc. (Specify) Etc. (Specify)            
ACU Countries (Specify) ACU Dollar            

                    @ Net balances should be reported in Column 1 or 2 as appropriate.

* Net balances should be reported in Column 8 or 9 as appropriate.

# Net balances should be reported in column 10 or 11 as appropriate.
Place................ (Signature of Authorised Official)
Date:........................ Name .....................
Stamp Designation .............................

Chart showing the effect and reporting of ACU dollar Account Transactioins
(Vostro Account)

Sr.No.Description of TransactionACU dollar Account maintaining Bank Importers Bank Exporters Bank
Effect in Nostro Account Reporting Effect in ACU Dollar Account Reporting Effect in Nostro Account Reporting Effect in Nostro Account Reporting
1.Funding-Inward RemittanceCreditedR2-Receipt (Interbank) Credited R5 Funding (Column 5) - - - -
2.Payment by Indian ImportersCredited R2-Receipt (Interbank) Credited R5 Imports (Column 3) Debited R-2-Payment (Interbank) - -
2A.If both are same Bank- - Credited R5-Imports(column 3) - - - -
3.Payment by Indian Non-ImportsCredited R2-Receipt (Interbank) Credited R5-Non-Imports(column 4) Debited R2- Payment (Interbank) - -
3A.If both are Same bank- - Credited R5-Non-Imports(column 4) ----
4.Receipt by Indian ExporterDebited R2-Payment (Interbank) Debited R5-Exports (Column 7) - - Credited R2-Receipt (Interbank)
4A.If both are same bank - - Debited R5-Exports (Column 7) - - - -
5.Receipt by Indian Non-Exports Debited R2-Payment (Interbank) Debited R5-Non-Exports (Column 9 or 10) - - Credited R2-Receipt (Interbank)
5A.If both are same bank - - Debited R5-Non-Exports (Column 9 or 10) - - - -
6.Funding Outward Remittance Debited R2- Payment (Interbank) Debited R5-Funding (Coloumn8) - - - -

  1. In the event of transactions at Sr.Nos. 1 to 6 Nostro Account of "Vostro ACU dollar Account maintained bank" is affected.

  2. In the event of transactions at Sr.Nos.2, 3 4 and 5, Nostro Account of Importers/Exporters Bank is also affected.

  3. In the event of transactions at Sr.Nos.2A, 3A and 5A, there is no effect on any Nostro Account.
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