CONFIDENTIAL LEC (FIIs) [Paragraph 10 B.4(ii)] Sr.No.________________ Statement showing company-wise details of total purchases and sales of equity shares/convertible debentures made by designated branch of _____________on__________ on behalf of Foreign Institutional Investors through stock exchanges in India and out of issues directly madeName of Type of P U R C H A S E S S A L E Sthe security On Stock Exchange In Primary Market No. Face Totalcompany value sale No. Face Total No. Face Total per proc- value purc- value purc- share/ eeds per hase per hase deben- share/ ture deben- ture 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Equity shares PCDs/FCDs Others (tobe specified) We hereby certify that the above statement includes all the purchases/sales of equity shares andconvertible debentures made on ____________________ through stock exchange in India on behalf ofForeign Institutional Investors and equity shares/convertible debentures issued directly by thecompany to them. We also, certify that the investments by a single Foreign Institutional Investorhas not exceeded 5% of the paid up capital of the company.Place : Date : Signature : Name : Designation : Name of the A.D. : Code No. :Instructions : i) This statement should be submitted by the designated branch to the Chief General Manager, Exchange Control Department, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Foreign Investment Division, Central Office Building, Mumbai 400001, directly without routing through the Link Office of the Bank. ii) This statement should be serially numbered and must be submitted to the Reserve Bank on a daily basis and the transactions made on a particular day should be reported on the following working day. iii) If no purchases/sales are made on any particular day, a nil statement need not be submitted to the Reserve Bank. iv) All purchase and sale transactions for which a firm commitment has been made to acquire or transfer equity shares/convertible debentures in the form of the brokers contract notes issued by recognised stock exchange brokers should be included in this statement. v) Designated bank branches should obtain the brokers contract notes/intimations of actual purchase/sale transactions on the date of the transaction itself so that such purchases/ sales could be included in the daily statement. vi) Shares acquired on conversion of Partly Convertible Debentures (PCDs)/Fully Convertible Debentures (FCDs) should be reported in the appropriate column depending on whether the Convertible Debentures (CDs) were acquired on stock exchange or in primary market. vii) Name of company under Column 1 should be indicated in full. ***** @ *****