New Page 1ODB
(Pleasego through the instructions given in the Annexure carefully before filling upthis form)
[Allamounts of Foreign Currency(FC) and Foroffice use only
IndianRupees (INR) unless
otherwisestated, Date of Receipt :
shouldbe in thousands only]
InwardNo :
IAddress of Indian promoter :
(a)Registered office __________________________________________
(b)For correspondence : __________________________________________
II(a) Status of the promoter [Please tick (ü ) the appropriate box] :
PublicSector Undertaking Private Limited Company
PublicLimited Company Others ( )
(b)Name of the Industrial House/Group
towhich the Indian promoter belongs : _________________________________
(c)(i) Existing line of activity of the ii) Brief particulars of the products
Indianpromoter manufactured/goods traded/
[Pleasetick (ü ) the appropriate box] services rendered by the Indian
(A)Manufacturing _ ____________________________
(B)Others ( ) _ ____________________________
(CodeNo. to be filled in by RBI)
III(a) Date of incorporation :
(b)Share capital (Amount in INR) : As on
(i)Authorised : ______________________________
(ii)Paid-up : ______________________________
(c)Reserves and surplus (Amount in INR) : ______________________________
(d)Years of experience in the proposed
fieldof collaboration/operation :
(e)Importer Exporter Code Number :
(f)% of non-resident interest in share
capitalof the Indian company :
IVFinancial particulars of the Indian promoter company for the last 3 years :
(Amountin INR)
AccountingDomestic Foreign exchange Foreign exchange Net fixed Net Net
yearending sales earnings from exports earnings other assets profit (+)/ worth
(excludingequity exports than from loss (-)
toexisting JV/WOS)
(1)(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
VParticulars of existing Joint Ventures (JV), Wholly Owned Subsidiaries (WOS) setup
abroador under implementation by the Indian company approved under Fast Track Route
byRBI or EEFC Fast Track Window of Authorised dealers (AD)
(Amountin FC)
Sr.No . | Nature of overseas concern (JV/WOS) | Name of overseas concern/country | Amount of Investment | Approval No. & Date AD* RBI | |
(1)(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
(*please indicate name and address of AD)
VI(a) Whether the applicant company, its promoters, directors etc. have come under investigations by Enforcement Directorate/CBI/SEBI other law enforcing agencies for violation of any law/statute ? If yes, the brief details thereof including present stage of investigation/adjudication/manner of disposal of the care should be furnished.
(b) Are the promoter company presently under "Caution list" of RBI for Non-realisation of export proceeds ? If so, the present position may be indicated.
(c) Names and address, telephone, telex and fax numbers of the bank(s) of the Indian promoter.
I/wehereby certify that the information furnished above are true and correct to thebest of my/our knowledge and belief.
Place: _______________
Date: _______________ (Signature of authorised official) Stamp/Seal Name :
Listof enclosures : 1.
Instructionsfor filling up the form ODB
(Thispart should be detached and retained by the applicant)
1.(a) Please read carefully the "Guidelines for Indian direct Investment in Joint Ventures and Wholly Owned Subsidiaries abroad" notified by Government of India, Ministry of Commerce vide Notification No. 4/1/93-EP(OI) dated 17th August 1995 as amended from time to time before filling up the form. The application should be complete in all respects and accompanies by all relevant documents as specified below. Please write `NA’ where not applicable.
(b) All amounts, both in foreign currency and Indian rupees should be rounded off to the nearest thousand and the same should be indicated after omitting ‘000 e.g., 10,499 should be shown as 10 and 10500 as 11.
(c) Additional sheets may be attached only if the space available against a particulars item is insufficient.
2.Applicant company should have a minimum export/foreign exchange realisation ofU.S.$ 25 mn. in the preceding three years to be eligible for blanket approval.
3.All proposals for addition/deletion of the terms and conditions of the existingapproval, change in size and pattern of investment, extension of loan/guaranteefrom India beyond the limit already approved, etc. should be submitted to theChief General Manager, Exchange Control Department, Central Office, OverseasInvestment Division, Reserve Bank of India, Amar Building, Fort, Mumbai 400 001.
4.Certificates (in form BCX) from the authorised dealers (ADs) concerned insupport of export performance for the last three years (excluding equityexports) and certificates in form BCI from the concerned ADs/certificate fromChartered Accountant in support of other foreign exchange earnings for the lastthree years should be enclosed.
5.Annual accounts of the applicant company/ ies for the preceding three yearsshould be enclosed.