(i)Reserve Bank, by its Notification No.F.E.R.A. 183/98-RB dated 22nd April, has permitted exporters of goods and services and other beneficiaries of inward remittances in convertible foreign currency, other than those remittances received pursuant to undertakings given by them or those received for meeting specific obligations, to open and maintain with authorised dealers in India accounts expressed in foreign currency and titled "Exchange Earners Foreign Currency (EEFC) Accounts" and to credit to such accounts amounts not exceeding 50% of such remittances and operate on such accounts. In the case of 100% Export Oriented Units or units located in Export Processing Zones or in Software Technology Parks or in Electronic Hardware Technology Parks, amounts up to 70% of the remittances can be credited to such accounts. Authorised dealers may also allow credits to EEFC accounts in the following cases:
a)Up to 50%/70% of the inward remittances, as the case may be, received towards export advance in freely convertible currencies subject to monitoring of the advances received by the authorised dealers concerned in terms of paragraph 6C.6.
b)Up to 50% of the payments received by exporters by debit to U.S.Dollar Escrow accounts maintained in India as also under the foreign currency debt repayment route, towards value of goods exported by them.
c)Up to 50% of the payments received by hotels from Credit Card Servicing Organisations (CCSO) in India in rupees against goods/services sold/supplied to foreign tourists against international credit cards issued abroad, provided CCSO in India confirms that the total bill amount as per charge slips received by the hotels has been realised in convertible foreign currency in an approved manner. In such cases foreign exchange equivalent of the 50% of the amount received in rupees may be credited to their EEFC accounts by converting at the market rate.
Note: Unspent foreign exchange surrendered out of the foreign exchange obtained for travel abroad may be re-credited to EEFC account, provided the foreign exchange was released by debit to the same EEFC account .
(iii) The resident beneficiaries of the payments received in foreign exchange from the EEFC account holders in accordance with Notification No.F.E.R.A.186/98-RB dated 4th September 1998 issued byReserve Bank will be required to surrender the foreign exchange within seven days of its receipt to an authorised dealer as per the existing regulations. The resident beneficiaries of foreign exchange in such cases will not be eligible for EEFC facility.