Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
RBI Notification Circulars CIR. NO. 77/2003-04-RB, DT. 13/03/2004
CIR. NO. 77/2003-04-RB, DT. 13/03/2004

Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 - Guidelines for Compilation of R-Returns

Attention of Authorised Dealers (ADs) is invited to A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.76 dated February 3, 2003, in terms of which they are required to submit R-Return (NOSTRO) and R-Return (VOSTRO) in hard copy together with transaction details in (FET-ERS - Version 5.0) in floppy.

2. The R-Return formats have been updated and enclosed as Annexures I (NOSTRO) and IA (VOSTRO). Authorised Dealers may please note the changes involving the deletion of Items Nos. I-H & II-H - Notional sale & Notional purchase and Item No. V - Aggregate Balance in R-Return (NOSTRO). They may also note that on crystallisation/cancellation of Export Bills Purchased/Negotiated/Discounted, the transaction has to be included under Item IC (i)/(ii). The list of revised purpose codes for purchase, sale transactions and also a list of purpose codes to be used for filling up the cover page of R-Return are enclosed as Annexure II, Annexure III & Annexure IV.

3. It has also been decided to simplify the procedures and documentation formalities in respect of non-import remittances. Accordingly, in consultation with FEDAI, the A-2 form has been modified to incorporate the application form and the declaration in terms of Section 10(5) of FEMA, 1999 and the specimen form is enclosed as Annexure V. The customer will be required to submit only this form in respect of permissible transactions pertaining to individuals up to a limit of USD 5000 as per our AP DIR circular No 55 dated 23 Dec 2003. The AD will fill up the reverse of the form which contains purpose-wise codes. For undertaking transactions under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme of USD 25000 for resident individuals, ADs may be guided by the instructions conveyed in our AP DIR No 64 dated February 4, 2004. As regards other transactions, apart from Form A2 as at Annexure V, the AD may call for additional information and documents as may be required. In respect of regular corporate customers, the bank may like to obtain one-time declaration under FEMA as per the proforma given in Annexure VI. The objective behind these steps is to extend hassle-free service to all customers.

4. Authorised Dealers are required to submit R-Return (NOSTRO) and R-Return (VOSTRO) as per the updated formats in hard copy along with FET-ERS floppy on fortnightly basis with effect from April 1, 2004.

5. The officials of the Authorised Dealers have been imparted training by the Reserve Bank on the new FET-ERS (Version 6.1) package, which has been revised comprehensively incorporating new purpose codes for various foreign exchange transactions. The package containing the new version will be made available / distributed to all ADs by the Bank shortly. Authorised Dealers may please arrange for training the officials of the remaining branches so that the foreign exchange transactions may be reported with new purpose codes through the revised FET-ERS (Version 6.1) from April 1, 2004.

6. The directions contained in this circular have been issued under Section 10(4) and Section 11(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999).

Yours faithfully,

Grace Koshie
Chief General Manager

Annexure I

R-RETURN (NOSTRO) _______________________________|   |   |   |

(CURRENCY NAME) (SWIFT Currency Code)                    

Return for the period ended
(DD-MM-YYYY in Numerals)

(To be submitted fortnightly, as at the close of business on the 15th and the last day of each month)

Name of AD ______________________________________ AD Code No. _____________________________
Address of AD _____________________________________________________________________________
Licence No._______________________________________ Serial No. ________________________________

(Amounts to be rounded off to the nearest unit of the currency)

I. Outflows.

    A. Sales to Public against Imports into India

         (i) Below equivalent of Rs. 5 lakh            ___________________

         (ii) Equivalent of Rs. 5 lakh and above     ___________________

                   Total of IA (i) and IA (ii)             _________________

    B. Sales to Public against Imports into other countries
              (i.e. Intermediary Trade)

    C. Sales to Public for purposes other than Imports

         (i) Below equivalent of Rs. 5 lakh            ___________________

         (ii) Equivalent of Rs. 5 lakh and above     ___________________

                   Total of IC (i) and IC (ii)             ___________________

    D. Sales to other Authorised Dealers in India
    Total Outflows (Total of IA, IB, IC and ID) ___________________
    (For ‘A’ Category Branches only)

    * E. Sales to Reserve Bank of India

    * F. Sales to overseas banks and branches
    * G. Aggregate sales at Branches (Reporting directly to Reserve Bank)
    *     by adjustment through Head Office/Link Office

    Total of I A to I G     ___________________       

II. Inflows.

    A. Purchases from Public against exports

      (i) Against GR/PP/SOFTEX Forms/SDF of which
        (a) Bills negotiated under L/C and
             bills purchased & discounted _________________

        (b) Bills for collection realised     _________________

      (ii) Advance receipts which will be covered
           later by GR/PP/SOFTEX Forms/SDF _________________

      Total of II A(i)(a), II A(i)(b) & II A(ii) __________________

    B. Purchases from Public against third country exports (i.e.
         intermediary trade not covered by GR/PP/SOFTEX Forms/SDF )


    C. Purchases from Public other than against exports
      (i) Below equivalent of Rs.5 lakh         __________________

      (ii) Equivalent of Rs. 5 lakh and above __________________

      Total of II C (i) and II C (ii)            __________________
    D. Purchases from other Authorised Dealers in India

    Total Inflows (Total of IIA, IIB, IIC and IID ) __________________


    (For ‘A’ Category Branches only)

    * E. Purchases from Reserve Bank of India

    * F. Purchases from overseas banks and branches

    * G. Aggregate purchases at branches (Reporting directly to
    *     Reserve Bank) by adjustment through Head Office/Link Office


    Total of IIA to IIG     _______________          

    Items III C to III H and IV C to IV H on the following page are for ‘A’ category branches only.

    Balances against various accounts are to be shown as per respective mirror accounts maintained locally.


III. Opening Balance
      (closing balance of previous period)

      A. Cash Balance

      B. Suspense Account Balance

      C. Deposits with other Authorised Dealers in India

      D. Deposits with Reserve Bank of India

      E. Fixed Deposits

      F. Treasury Bills/Treasury Deposits

      G. Securities and Shares

      H. Foreign Currency Loan (Outstanding)

            Total of IIIA to IIIH

IV. Closing Balance

      A. Cash Balance

      B. Suspense Account Balance

      C. Deposits with other Authorised Dealers in India

      D. Deposits with Reserve Bank of India

      E. Fixed Deposits

      F. Treasury Bills/Treasury Deposits

      G. Securities and Shares

      H. Foreign Currency Loan (Outstanding)

            Total of IVA to IVH


Note : Authorised Dealers should ensure that
           Opening Balance + All Inflows - All
           Outflows tally with Closing Balance.

We hereby certify that

    (a) the figures reported in the above Return are true and correct;

    (b) all the transactions effected by us and by our branches not submitting independent Returns during the reporting period to which this Return relates have been reported in this Return;

    (c) no remittance forms and GR/PP/SOFTEX forms/SDF pertaining to any of the previous reporting periods or the current reporting period are outstanding with us;

    (d) all the Returns pertaining to the earlier periods have been submitted to the Reserve Bank and

    (e) the transactions of the offices/branches which are independently submitting Returns and adjusting through Head Office/Link Office account with us have been incorporated as branch sales/purchases in our Return.








[# This certificate must invariably be signed by the official holding the charge of the branch
    or by person of status not lower than that of Scale IV Officer.]

Annexure IA

R-RETURN (VOSTRO) _______________________|   |   |   |
					(Currency Name)	(SWIFT Currency Code)			Return of operations of VOSTRO ACCOUNTS for the period ended .									(DD-MM-YYYY in Numerals)		(To be submitted, as at the close of business on the 15th and the last day of each month)Name and address__________________________________	A.D.Code No. _______________________of the Authorised __________________________________	Licence No. ________________________Dealer ___________________________________________	Serial No. of the Return_______________

(Amount to be rounded off to the nearest unit of the currency)

Name, Place and Country of bank branch or CorrespondentOpening BalanceCreditsDebitsClosing Balance
Transactions with Public
Funding transactionsTotal CreditsTransactions with Public
Withdrawal TransactionTotal Debits
(3) +
(4) +
ExportsPayments to Public
(7) +
(8) +
(9) +
Below Rs. 5 lakhRs.5 lakh & above

Below Rs.5 lakh

Rs.5 lakh & above

Below Rs.5 lakh

Rs.5 lakh & above


A) Banks
Sub-Total (A)
B) Private Exchange Houses
Sub-Total (B)

We hereby certify that (a) the figures reported in the above Return are true and correct;

(b) all the transactions effected by us and by our branches on the non-resident bank accounts maintained by us during the reporting period to which this Return relates have been reported in this Return;

(c) no remittance forms and GR/PP/SOFTEX/SDF pertaining to any of the previous periods or the current period are outstanding with us;

(d) all the R-Returns pertaining to the earlier periods have been submitted to the Reserve Bank.

# Signature_________________________________
Name and Designation of Authorised Official
Name of the AD & Branch


[ # This certificate must invariably be signed by the official holding charge
of the branch o r by a person of status not lower than Scale IV Officer]

Annexure II


Group No.Purpose Group NamePurpose CodeDescription
00Capital AccountP0001Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in equity capital (shares)
P0002Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in debt securities.
P0003Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in branches
P0004Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in subsidiaries and associates
P0005Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in real estate
P0006Foreign direct investment in India in equity
P0007Foreign direct investment in India in debt securities
P0008Foreign direct investment in India in real estate
P0009Foreign portfolio investment in India in equity shares
P0010Foreign portfolio investment in India in debt securities including debt funds
P0011Repayment of loans extended to Non-Residents
P0012Loans from Non-Residents to India
POOHReceipts o/a Non-Resident deposits (FCNRB/NRERA etc.) ADs should report these even if funds are not "swapped" into Rupees.
P0015Loans & overdrafts taken by ADs on their own account. (Any amount of loan credited to the NOSTRO account which may not be swapped into Rupees should also be reported)
P0016Purchase of a foreign currency against another currency.
P0017Sale of intangible assets like patents, copyrights, trade marks etc. by Indian companies
P0018Other capital receipts not included elsewhere
01Exports (of Goods)P0101Value of export bills negotiated /purchased/discounted etc. (covered Group under GR/PP/SOFTEX/EC copy of shipping bills etc.)
P0102Realisation of export bills (in respect of goods) sent on collection (full invoice value)
P0103Advance receipts against export contracts (export of goods only)
P0104Receipts against export of goods not covered by the GR/PP/SOFTEX/EC copy of shipping bill etc.
P0105Export bills (in respect of goods) sent on collection.
P0106Conversion of overdue export bills from NPD to collection mode
P0107Realisation of NPD export bills (full value of bill to be reported)
02TransportationP0201Receipts of surplus freight/passenger fare by Indian shipping companies operating abroad
P0202Purchases, on account of operating expenses of Foreign shipping companies operating in India
P0205Purchases on account of operational leasing (with crew) - Shipping companies
P0207Receipts of surplus freight/passenger fare by Indian Airlines companies operating abroad.
P0208Receipt on account of operating expenses of Foreign Airlines companies operating in India
P0211*Purchases on account of operational leasing (with crew) -Airlines companies
P0213Receipts on account of other transportation services (stevedoring, demurrage, port handling charges etc). '
03TravelP0301Purchases towards travel (Includes purchases of foreign TCs, currency : notes etc over the counter, by hotels, hospitals, Emporiums, Educational institutions etc. as well as amount received bv TT/SWIFT transfers or debit.
P0308FC surrendered by returning Indian tourists.
04Communication ServiceP0401Postal services
P0402Courier services
P0403Telecommunication services
P0404Satellite services
05Construction Service-P0501Receipts for cost of construction of services projects in India
06Insurance ServiceP0601Receipts of life insurance premium
P0602Receipts of freight insurance - relating to import & export of goods
P0603Receipts on account of other general insurance premium
P0604Receipts of Reinsurance premium
P0605Receipts on account of Auxiliary services { commission on Insurance)
P0606Receipts on account of settlement of claims
07Financial ServicesP0701Financial intermediation except investment banking - Bank charges, collection charges, LC charges, cancellation of forward contracts, commission on financia! leasing etc.
P0702Investment banking - brokerage, underwriting commission etc.
P0703Auxiliary services - charges on operation & regulatory fees, custodial services, depository services etc.
08Computer & Information ServicesP0801Hardware consultancy
P0802Software implementation/consultancy (other than those covered in SOFTEX form)
P0803Data base, data processing charges
P0804Repair and maintenance of computer and software
P0805Mews agency services
P0806Other information services- Subscription to newspapers, periodicals, etc.
09Royalties & License FeesP0901Franchises services - patents.copy rights, trade marks, industrial processes, franchises etc.
P0902Receipts for use, through licensing arrangements, of produced originals or prototypes (such as manuscripts and films) .
10Other Business ServicesP1001Merchanting Services-net receipts (from sale and purchase of goods without crossing the border).
P1002Trade related services - Commission on exports/imports.
P1003Operational leasing services (other than financial leasing and without operating crew) including charter hire
P1004Legal services
P1005Accounting, auditing, book keeping and tax consulting services
P1006Business and management consultancy and public relations services
P1007Advertising, trade fair, market research and public opinion polling services
P1008Research & Development services
P1009Architectural, engineering and other technical services
P1010Agricultural, mining and on -site processing services - protection against insects & disease, increasing of harvest yields, forestry services, mining services like analysis of ores etc.
P1011Inward remittance for maintenance of offices in India
P1012Distribution services
P1013Environmental services
P1019Other services not included elsewhere
11Personal, Cultural & Recreational services.P1101Audio-visual and related services -services and associated fees related to production of motion pictures, rentals, fees received by actors, directors, producers and fees for distribution rights.
P1102Personal, cultural services such as those related to museums, libraries, archives and sporting activities and fees for correspondence courses of Indian Universities/Institutes
12Government, not included elsewhere (G.n.i.e.)P1201Maintenance of foreign embassies in India
P1203Maintenance of international institutions such as offices of IMF mission, World Bank, UNICEF etc. in India.
13TransfersP1301Inward remittance from Indian nonresidents towards family maintenance and savings
P1302Personal gifts and donations
.P1303Donations to religious and charitable institutions in India
P1304Grants and donations to governments and charitable institutions established by the governments
P1306Receipts / Refund of taxes
14IncomeP1401Compensation of employees
P1403Inward remittance towards interest on loans extended to non-residents (ST/MT/LT loans)
P1404Inward remittance of interest on debt securities - debentures / bonds /FRNsetc,
P1405Inward remittance towards interest receipts of ADs on their own account (on investments.)
P1406Repatriation of profits to India
P1407Receipt of dividends by Indians
15OthersP1501Refunds / rebates on account of imports
P1502Reversal of wrong entries, refunds of amount remitted for non-imports
P1503Remittances (receipts) by residents under international bidding process.
P1590Receipts below $10,000 (say Rs 5,00,000)

Annexure III


Group No.Purpose Group NamePurpose CodeDescription
00Capital AccountS0001Indian investment abroad -in equity capital (shares)
S0002Indian investment" abroad -in debt securities
S0003Indian investment abroad -in branches
S0004Indian investment abroad -in subsidiaries and associates
S0005Indian investment abroad -in real estate
S0006Repatriation of Foreign Direct Investment in India- in equity shares
S0007Repatriation of Foreign Direct Investment in India- in debt securities
S0008Repatriation of Foreign Direct Investment in India- in real estate
S0009Repatriation of Foreign Portfolio Investment in India- in equity shares
S0010Repatriation of Foreign Portfolio Investment in India- in debt securities
S0011Loans extended to Non-Residents
S0012Repayment of loans received from Non- Residents {Long & medium term loans)
S0013Repayment of short term loans received from Non-Residents
S0014Repatriation of Non-Resident Deposits (FCNRB/N.RERA etc)
S0015Repayment of loans & overdrafts taken by ADs on their own account.
S0016Sale of a foreign currency against another foreiqn currency
S0017Purchase of intangible assets like patents, copyrights, trade marks etc.
S0018Other capital payments not included Elsewhere
01ImportsS0101Advance payment against imports
S0102Payment towards imports- settlement of invoice
S0103Imports by diplomatic missions
S0104Intermediary trade
S0190Imports below Rs. 500.000- (For use by ECD offices
02TransportationS0201Payments for surplus freight/passenger fare by foreign shipping companies operating in India.
S0202Payment for operating expenses of Indian shipping companies operating abroad.
S0203Freight on imports - Shipping companies
S0204Freight on exports - Shipping companies
S0205Operational leasing (with crew) -Shipping companies
S0206Booking of passages abroad -Shipping companies
S0207Payments for surplus freight/passenger fare by foreign Airlines companies operating in India,
S0208Operating expenses of Indian Airlines companies operating abroad
S0209Freight on imports - Airlines companies
S0210Freight on exports - Airlines companies
S0211Operational leasing (with crew) -Airlines companies
S0212Booking of passages abroad - Airlines companies
S0213Payments on account of stevedoring, demurrage, port handling charges etc.
03TravelS0301Remittance towards Business travel.
S0302Travel under basic travel quota (BTQ)
S0303Travel for pilgrimage
S0304Travel for medical treatment
S0305-Travel for education (including fees, lostel expenses etc.)
S0306Other travel (international credit cards)
04Communica-tion ServiceS0401Postal services
S0402Courier services
S0403Telecommunication services
S0404Satellite services
05Construction ServiceS0501Construction of projects abroad by Indian companies including import of goods at project site
S0502Payments for cost of construction etc. of projects executed by foreign companies in India.
06Insurance ServiceS0601Payments for Life insurance premium
S0602Freight insurance - relating to import & export of goods
S0603Other general insurance premium
S0604Reinsurance premium
S0605Auxiliary services (commission on insurance)
S0606Settlement of claims
07Financial ServicesS0701Financial intermediation except investment banking - Bank charges, collection charges, LC charges, cancellation of forward contracts, commission on financial leasing etc.
S0702Investment banking - brokerage, underwriting commission etc.
S0703Auxiliary services - charges on operat ion & regulatory fees, custodial services, depository services etc.
08Computer & Information ServicesS0801Hardware consultancy
S0802Software implementation/consultancy
S0803Data base, data processing charges
S0804Repair and maintenance of computer And software
S0805slews agency services
S0806Other information services-Subscription to newspapers, periodicals
09Royalties & License FeesS0901Franchises services - patents, copyrights, trade marks, industrial processes, franchises etc.
S0902Payment for use, through licensing arrangements, of produced originals or prototypes (such as manuscripts and films)
10Other Business ServicesS1001Merchanting services –net payments (f rom Sale & purchase of goods without crossing the border).
S1002Trade related services - commission on exports / imports
S1003Operational leasing services (other than financial leasing) without operating crew, including charter hire
S1004Legal services
S1005Accounting, auditing, book keeping and tax consulting services
S1006Business and management consultancy and public relations Services
S1007Advertising, trade fair, market research and public opinion polling Service
S1008Research & Development services
S1009Architectural, engineering and other technical services
S1010Agricultural, mining and on-site processing services - protection against insects & disease, increasing of harvest yields, forestry services, mining services like analysis of ores etc.
S1011Payments for maintenance of offices Abroad
S1012Distribution services
S1013Environmental services
S1019Other services not included elsewhere
11Personal, Cultural & Recreational servicesS1101Audio-visual and related services -services and associated fees related to production of motion pictures, rentals, fees received by actors, directors, producers and fees for distribution rights.
S1102Personal, cultural services such as those related to museums, libraries, archives and sporting activities; fees for correspondence courses abroad.
12Government not included elsewhere (G.n.i.e.)S1201Maintenance of Indian embassies abroad
S1202Remittances by foreign embassies in India
13TransfersS1301Remittance by non-residents towards family maintenance and savings
S1302Remittance towards personal gifts and donations
S1303Remittance towards donations to religious and charitable institutions abroad
S1304Remittance towards grants and donations to other governments and charitable institutions established by the governments.
S1305Contributions/donations by the Government to international institutions
S1306Remittance towards payment / refund of taxes.
14IncomeS1401Compensation of employees
S1402Remittance towards interest on Non-Resident deposits (FCNRB/NRERA/ NRNRD/NRSR etc.)
S1403Remittance towards interest on loans from Non- Residents (ST/MT/LT loans)
S1404Remittance of interest on debt securities - debentures / bonds / FRNs etc.
S1405Remittance towards interest payment by ADs on their own account (to VOSTRO a/c holders or the OD on NOSTRO a/c.)
S1406Repatriation of profits
S1407Payment/ repatriation of dividends
15OthersS1501Refunds / rebates / reduction in invoice value on account of exports
S1502Reversal of wrong entries, refunds of amount remitted for non-exports
S1503Payments by residents for international bidding
S1504Crystallize/Cancel export bills


Purpose codes for Cover-page

Purpose CodeDetails
S0190Imports below (Total)
S0191Imports above (Total)
S1590Non-Imports below (Total)
S1591Non-Imports above (Total)
P0100Exports (Totals (N/P/D + Collection bills Realised during Fortnight + Advance received during Fortnight)
P1590Non-Exports below (Total)
P1591Non-Exports above (Total)
P0144Intermediary Exports (Totals)
S0144Intermediary Imports (Total)
S0091Sales to Reserve Bank of India
P0091Purchase from Reserve Bank of India
S0092Sales to Other ADs in India
P0092Purchase from Other ADs in India
S0093Sales to Overseas Banks/correspondents
P0093Purchase from Overseas Banks/correspondents
S0094Credit to vostro a/c of overseas Banks/correspondents
P0094Debit from vostro a/c of overseas Banks/correspondents
S0095Sales at branches
P0095Purchases at branches
P2088Nostro Mirror/Vostro (debit opening balance)
P2199Nostro Mirror/Vostro (debit closing balance)
S2088Nostro Mirror/Vostro (credit opening balance)
S2199Nostro Mirror/Vostro (credit closing balance)

Annexure - V

Form A2
Application cum Declaration
(To be completed by the applicant)
Application for drawal of foreign exchange

I. Details of the applicant -

    a. Name ____________________________
    b. Address ____________________________________________
    c. Account No. _____________________

II. Details of the foreign exchange required

    1. Amount (Specify currency) ___________________
    2. Purpose __________________________________

III. I authorise you to debit my Saving Bank/Current/RFC/EEFC Account No._________________ together with your charges and

    * a) Issue a draft : Beneficiary's Name________________________
                               Address ________________________________
    * b) Effect the foreign exchange remittance directly -

      1. Beneficiary's Name _________________________________
      2. Name and address of the Bank _______________________
      3. Account No. ____________________

    *c) Issue travellers cheques for _____________________________
    *d) Issue foreign currency notes for _________________________
    (Strike out whichever is not applicable)


(Under FEMA 1999)

I, _________________________ declare that -

* 1) The total amount of foreign exchange purchased from or remitted through, all sources in India during this calendar year including this application is within USD _____________ (USD _________________________ __________________________________________________________only) the annual limit prescribed by Reserve Bank of India for the said purpose.

* 2) Foreign exchange purchased from you is for the purpose indicated above.

(Strike out whichever is not applicable)

Name _____________


(The purpose codes are on the reverse)

Annexure -VI

Declaration (under FEMA 1999)

We hereby declare that all forex transactions, as may be entrusted by us to the bank from time to time will be in strict conformity with the prevailing provisions of FEMA, 1999 at the time the transactions are put through.

  • I/We further declare that the undersigned has/have the authority to give this declaration and undertaking on behalf of the firm/company.

  • ____________________________
    Signature of the Applicant
    for Foreign Exchange



  • Applicable when the declaration/undertaking is signed on behalf of the firm/company.

  • Presented by eximkey.com

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