- 17.1
- Provisional measures may be applied only if:
- an investigation has been initiated in accordance with the provisions of Article 11, a public notice has been given to that effect and interested Members and interested parties have been given adequate opportunities to submit information and make comments;
- a preliminary affirmative determination has been made that a subsidy exists and that there is injury to a domestic industry caused by subsidized imports; and
- the authorities concerned judge such measures necessary to prevent injury being caused during the investigation.
- 17.2
- Provisional measures may take the form of provisional countervailing duties guaranteed by cash deposits or bonds equal to the amount of provisionally calculated amount of subsidization.
- 17.3
- Provisional measures shall not be applied sooner than 60 days from the date of initiation of the investigation.
- 17.4
- The application of provisional measures shall be limited to as short a period as possible, not exceeding four months.
- 17.5
- The relevant provisions of Article 19 shall be followed in the application of provisional measures.