Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
  1. Impact of increased imports on Domestic Industry: Detailed information on how the increased imports are causing serious injury or threat of serious injury to the domestic industry. This should, interalia, include information on

    1. Sale volumes, total domestic consumption and how the market share of domestic production has been affected.

    2. Price undercutting/price depression/prevention of rise in prices.
      Information on costs of production and how the increased imports have affected the prices of domestic production needs to be provided.

    3. Any significant idling of production facilities in the industry including data indicating plant closure or fall in normal production capacity utilisation.

    4. Loss of employment

    5. Financial situation
      Full information on the financial situation of the domestic industry including information on decline in sales, growing inventory, downward trend in production, profits, productivity or increasing unemployment needs to be provided.

  2. Other Factors of Injury: Provide details of any other factors that may be attributing to the injury to the domestic industry and an explanation that injury caused by these other factors is not attributed to injury caused by increased imports. (Information on injury caused due to dumping or subsidisation, if any, needs to be specifically provided here. Also mention if any application for anti-dumping or countervailing duty investigation has been filed).

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