Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
RBI/2005-06/161 DBOD.No. BL.BC. 36 /22.01.001/2005, DT. 08/09/2005

Section 23 of Banking Regulation Act, 1949-Master Circular on Branch Authorisation (Part - II)



Statement of change in Status/Merger/Conversion/Closure etc. of Existing Branch/office/NAIO as and when effected.

(Please read all Instructions and explanations before filling the proforma. The explanatory notes provided in brackets against various items in Proforma-II relate to the item numbers in Proforma-I shown under “EXPLANATIONS OF ITEMS IN PROFORMA-I” enclosed)

Name of the Bank/Other Financial Institution/Co-operative institution:-


A. Change in Status/ A.D.Category/Nature of Business/Postal address of Branch/office/NAIO:

1. Name of the branch/office/NAIO (See explanation in item no.2(a)):
    (a) Old Name: __________________
    (b) Current Name: ____________________________
    (c) Date of Change in Name: cc cc cccc
                                            Day   Month Year
2. Uniform Code (Existing):
    (a) Part-I (7/9 digits): ccccccc cc
    (b) Part-II (7 digits) : ccccccc
3. Change in Business status of the Branch/office/NAIO (See explanation in item no.7(a)):

    (a) Old Status Name: _________________________ Code: cc
    (b) Current Status Name: _____________________ Code: cc
    (c) Date of Change in status (if any): cc cc cccc
    Day Month Year                  
4. Change in Nature of Business:

(Put tick mark (Ö) in appropriate box)

(a) OldNameCurrent
(1) (   ) Banking Business(   )
(2) (   ) Merchant Banking Business(   )
(3) (   ) Foreign Exchange(   )
(4) (   ) Gold deposit(   )
(5) (   ) Insurance(   )
(6) (   ) Administrative/Controlling Office(   )
(7) (   ) Training Centre(   )
(8) (   )Others (Please specify, if any)______(   )

(b Date of Change in nature of business(if any):cc cc cccc
Day     Month Year

5.(a) Change in Technological Facility of the Branch/office/NAIO:

(Put tick mark (Ö) in appropriate box)

       OldTechnological FacilityCurrent

(1) (   )Not yet Computerised(   )
(2) (   )Partially Computerised(   )
(3) (   )Fully Computerised(   )

(b) Date of Change in technological Facility:
    cc cc cccc
    Day Month Year
6. (a) Communication Facility of Branch/Office/NAIO:

(Put tick mark (Ö) in appropriate box)

       OldCommunication FacilityCurrent

(1) (   )NO NETWORK(   )
(2) (   )INFINET(   )
(3) (   )INTERNET(   )
(4) (   )INTRANET(   )
(5) (   )Others(   )
 (Please specify, if any)______________

Date of Change in Communication Facility: cc cc cccc
Day     Month Year              

7. State Authorised Dealer Category of the Branch/office:

a) Old Category : _________________________
b) New/Changed Category : _________________________
    Further, put tick mark (Ö) in appropriate box :
    Upgraded (   ) Degraded (   ) Newly Authorised (   )

c) Date of Upgradation/Degradation/ Authorisation:
      cc cc cccc
      Day Month Year
d) If a branch doing general banking business is assigned additional responsibility of handling foreign exchange business and belongs to AD Category “C”, then give uniform code number of the Link Branch/office through which its transactions are reported:

    Part-I(7 digits): ccccccc
    Part-II(7 digits): ccccccc
e) If a link office of an existing “C” category branch is changed, then provide Part-I & II codes of the new link office:

    Part-I(7 digits): ccccccc
    Part-II(7 digits): ccccccc
f) If “A”/”B” category AD branch is downgraded to “C” category, then give uniform code number of the Link Branch/office through which the transactions of the downgraded “C” category AD branch is reported:

    Part-I(7 digits): ccccccc
    Part-II(7 digits): ccccccc
g) If ‘A’/’B’ category AD branch, which has been working as a link office to one or more ‘C’ category AD branch(es), is downgraded to “C” category AD branch, then provide Part-I code(s) of the AD branch(es) which has/have been assigned the link office role to the said ‘C’ category branch(es):

      UCN of ‘C’ category branch             UCN of Link office

    Part - I: ccccccc Part - I: ccccccc
    Part - I: ccccccc Part - I: ccccccc
    Part - I: ccccccc Part - I: ccccccc
    (If the list of “C” category branches is large, then enclose the list)
h) If a branch doing general banking business alone/“C” category AD branch is assigned or upgraded to “A”/”B” category AD branch, then part-I code of all “C” category branches, which will be linked to the newly upgraded AD branch should be listed:

    Part-I(7 digits): ccccccc
    Part-I(7 digits): ccccccc
    Part-I(7 digits): ccccccc
(If the list of “C” category branches is large, then enclose the list)

8. Details in respect of change, if any, in the status of currency chest/ repository/ coin-depot/ Govt. business, etc. (including opening/ shifting/ conversion/ closure). In all these cases of shifting/conversion/ closure please mention the date also:

(a) (i) Central Government Business:

(Put tick mark (Ö) in appropriate box)

      OldType of Govt. BusinessNew

(1) (   )No Govt. Business(   )
(2) (   )Direct Taxes(   )
(3) (   )Departmentalised Ministries Account(DMA)(   )
(4) (   )Pension(   )
(5) (   )Bond Issue(   )
(6) (   )Others (specify, if any):_________(   )

(ii) Date of Change: cc cc cccc
                           Day     Month Year

(b) (i) Treasury/ Sub-Treasury Business (State Govt. Business):

(Put tick mark (Ö) in appropriate box)

      OldType of Treasury/Sub-Treasury BusinessNew

(1) (   )No Govt. Business(   )
(2) (   )Treasury Business(   )
(3) (   )Sub-Treasury Business(   )
(4) (   )Pension(   )
(5) (   )Bond Issue(   )
(6) (   )Others (Specify, if any):_________(   )

(ii) Date of Change: cc cc cccc
                            Day Month Year

(c) State Currency Chest Type:

Old: (     )           Current: (     )

Date of Change: cc cc cccc
                        Day Month Year

(d) If authorised newly for currency chest, then indicate

(i) type of currency chest (put tick (Ö) mark in appropriate box):

A (     )       B (     )       C (     )

(ii) Date of authorisation: cc cc cccc
Day Month Year

(iii) Currency chest code Number:cccccccc
(8- digit Code allotted by Department of Currency Management (DCM) is to be written)

(iv) Mention type of area in which currency chest is located
(State “type of area” code: See the explanation)

    Code: 0 Type of Area: ________________
    (e) Repository: ______________________
    (f) Coin-Depot: ______________________
9. Full postal address:(See explanations in item nos. 4.1 to 4.8)
(i) Old

    (a) Name/Municipal Number of the building (if any): ____________
    (b) Name of the Road (if any): ________________
    (c) (i)Name of the Post Office: _________________
    (ii) Pin Code: cccccc
    (d) Name of the locality within the Centre (Revenue unit): ______
    (e) Name of the Centre (Revenue unit): _________________
    (f) Name of Community Development Block/Development Block/Tehsil/Taluka/Sub-Division/ Mandal/Police Station:_______________
    (g) Tel.No. /Telex No. (Including STD code): ____________
    (h) Fax No.: ______________________
    (i) E-mail Address: _____________________
(ii) Current

    (a) Name/Municipal Number of the building (if any): ______
    (b) Name of the Road (if any): ____________________
    (c) (i) Name of the Post Office: _______________________
    (ii) Pin Code: cccccccc
    (d) Name of the locality within the Centre (Revenue unit):________
    (e) Name of the Centre (Revenue unit): _________________
    (f) Name of Community Development Block/Development Block/Tehsil/Taluka/Sub-Division/ Mandal/Police Station:___________________
    (g) Tel.No. /Telex No. (Including STD code): _____________
    (h) Fax No.: ______________________
    (i) E-mail Address: ____________________
(iii) Date of change of address: cc cc cccc
                                          Day     Month Year

10. (i) If the branch/office/NAIO is relocated to a different centre (revenue unit) furnish details of the current centre:

(See explanations in item nos.2(a),5(a),5(b)and 5(e) for (a),(b),(c)and (f) respectively.)

    a) Branch/Office/NAIO Name: _____________________________
    b) Revenue Unit (Centre Name): _______________________
    c) Name of Community Development Block/Development Block/Tehsil/Taluka/Sub-Division/ Mandal/Police Station:_______________

    d) District Name: ______________________________
    e) State Name: ______________________________
    f) Population (as per latest Census) of the Centre: __________
(ii) Date of change of centre: cc cc cccc
                                        Day     Month Year

11. If the branch/office/NAIO is relocated to a different centre, give the reasons for relocation:____________

(a) Licence No.:__________________

(b) Licence suitably amended on cc cc cccc
                                           Day     Month Year
by RBI Regional Offices at __________________________

(c) Ref. No.& Date of RBI Central Office’s approval:

Ref. No.: _________________ Date: cc cc cccc
                                                  Day   Month Year
12. In case of change/closure of base branch/office of an NAIO provide:

(a) Part–I code of old base branch/office: ccccccc
(b) Part–I code of new base branch/office: ccccccc

13. Any other particulars: __________________________________

B. Closure/ Merger/Conversion of the Branch/Office/NAIO:

1. Advice for Closure ( ) Merger ( ) Conversion ( )
(Put tick mark (Ö) against appropriate box)

2. Branch/Office/NAIO Name (See explanation in item no.2(a)): ___________

3. Uniform Codes (See explanation in item no.1(b)):
    Part-I:ccccccc cc Part - II: ccccccc
4. (a)Postal address of branch/office/NAIO:
(See explanation in item nos. 4.1 to 4.8)
    (i) Name/Municipal Number of the building (if any): _____
    (ii) Name of the Road (if any): _______________________
    (iii) (A) Name of the Post Office: ______________________
(B) Pin Code: cccccccc
    (iv) Name of the locality within the Centre (Revenue unit): ______
    (v) Name of Community Development Block/Development Block/Tehsil/ Taluka/Sub-Division/Mandal/Police Station:_________________

    (vi) Tel.No. /Telex No. (Including STD code): ____________
    (vii) Fax No.: _________________
    (viii) E-mail Address: __________________________
(b) Centre Name: ___________________________
(See explanation in item no.5(a))
(c) District Name:______________________
(d) State Name: ________________________
(e) Population of the centre (revenue unit) as per latest Census Report:_____

(See explanation in item no.5(e))

5. Date of Closure/Merger/Conversion: cc cc cccc
                                                    Day   Month Year

6. RBI reference No. & date of approval:
Reference No.: ______________ Date: cc cc cccc
                                                      Day   Month Year

7. Reason for Closure/Merger/Conversion: ______________________

8. Licence surrendered for ______________ on cc cc cccc
                      (Name of branch/office/NAIO) Day     Month Year
to RBI Regional Office at _________________________________

9. In case of closure/merger of ‘A’/’B’ category AD branch, which has been working as a link office to one or more ‘C’ category AD branch(es), provide Part-I code of the AD branch(es) which has/have been assigned the link office role to the said ‘C’ category branch(es):

            UCN of ‘C’ category branch               UCN of Link office
    Part - I: ccccccc           Part - I: ccccccc
    Part - I: ccccccc           Part - I: ccccccc
    Part - I: ccccccc           Part - I: ccccccc
    (If the list of “C” category branches is large, then enclose the list)
10. If the branch/office is converted into NAIO then type of the NAIO:
    (See explanation in item no.7(a)(IV))

    Status Name: ___________________________ Code: cc
11. Particulars of the Base/Absorbing Branch/office:

(a) In case of Conversion into NAIO:

i) Base Branch/Office Name: __________________________________

ii) Uniform Codes: Part-I (7 digits): ccccccc
                        Part-II(7 digits): ccccccc

iii) Full postal address: ______________________________

(b) In case of Merger/Absorption of branches/offices/NAIOs:

i) Absorbing Branch/Office Name: ______________________________

ii) Uniform Codes: Part-I (7 digits): ccccccc
                        Part-II(7 digits): ccccccc

iii) Full postal address: ______________________________

(c) If a branch, which is working as a base branch for some NAIOs, is closed/converted into NAIO/merged with another branch, then the base branch details of the NAIOs, which were earlier linked to the closed/converted/merged branch, should be provided:

i) Base Branch/Office Name: _____________________________

ii) Uniform Codes: Part-I (7 digits): ccccccc
                        Part-II(7 digits): ccccccc
iii) Full postal address: ______________________________


1) For explanatory notes kept in bracket against individual items in this Proforma, please refer to the enclosed “EXPLANATIONS OF ITEMS IN PROFORMA-I”.

2) No action will be taken unless Part-I and Part-II of 7-digit Uniform Codes each are mentioned in this Proforma.



I. Proforma-I should be submitted either on the day of opening of branch/office/NAIO or afterwards but not before opening of branch/office/NAIO.

II. Proforma-I is meant for all types of newly opened bank branches/offices/NAIOs and proforma-II is meant for reporting change in status/postal address, closure/ merger/ conversion/ relocation /upgradation, etc. of existing bank branches/offices /NAIOs.

III. Uniform code numbers had been so long assigned to administratively independent offices/branches, submitting separate returns to Reserve Bank of India (See explanation at 7(b)). Recently, it has been decided to allot 9-digit uniform codes to Not Administratively Independent Offices (NAIOs - temporary offices), such as stand-alone ATMs/extension counter /satellite office/representative office/cash counter/ inspectorate/ collection counter/mobile office/Airport counter/ Hotel counter /Exchange Bureau. However, Proformae for Temporary Office opened at the site of a fair/exhibition, etc. should not be sent to DESACS.

IV. Public Sector Banks, which have been allowed to assign Part I code to their new branches/offices/NAIOs should strictly follow the instruction mentioned at III above, at the time of forwarding Proforma-I to RBI.

V. Upgradation of an NAIO into a full-fledged branch/office should be treated as closure of NAIO and opening of a branch/office. Accordingly, both Proforma-II for NAIO closure and Proforma-I for upgradation into a branch/office should be submitted.

VI. Alternatively, if a branch/office is converted into NAIO, then Proforma-II for closure of the branch/office and Proforma-I for conversion/opening of the NAIO are required to be submitted.

VII. Proforma- I & II will not be accepted for allotment of Part-I & Part-II/revision of Part-II code unless all items in the Proformae are filled up properly.


Item No.1(c):

Public sector banks (SBI and its 7 Associates, 19 Nationalised Banks & Industrial Development Bank of India Ltd.) are allowed to assign 7/9-digit Part-I Code Numbers only to their branches/offices/NAIOs and for other banks RBI (DESACS) allots both Part-I & Part-II codes. Each NAIO is linked to some independent branch. Last two digits (8th & 9th digits from the left) of Part-I code for NAIOs follow the 7-digit Part-I code of the base branch.

UCN of branches/offices of banks comprises two parts as Part-I code and Part-II code of 7 digits each; two additional digits are assigned to Part-I code of NAIOs.

Part-I code is defined as follows:

    • for branches/offices/NAIOs of commercial banks and other financial institutions:

      first three digits from the left stand for bank code
      next four digits stand for branch code
      last two digits stand for NAIO code.
    • for branches/offices/NAIOs of state/district central co-op. banks, state/central land development banks:

      first four digits from the left stand for bank code
      next three digits stand for branch code
      last two digits stand for NAIO code.
    • for branches/offices/NAIOs of other co-op. banks, salary earners’ societies, state financial corporations and tours, travels, finance & leasing companies:

      first five digits from the left stand for bank code
      next two digits stand for branch code
      last two digits stand for NAIO code.
Part-II code, irrespective of different categories of banks, is defined as follows:

    first three digits from the left stand for district code
    next three digits stand for centre code within the district
    last single digit stands for population range code.

Relationship between population range code and population group code is shown below:

Last digit of Part II of the Uniform Code Number (Populaiton Range code)Population rangePopulation GroupPopulation Group Code
1Up to 4999Rural1
25000 to 9999
310,000 to 19,999Semi-Urban2
420,000 to 49,999
550,000 to 99,999
61,00,000 to 1,99,999Urban 3
72,00,000 to 4,99,999
85,00,000 to 9,99,999
910 lakhs and aboveMetropolitan4

Item No.2(a):

The name of the Branch/Office/NAIO is to be written.

Item No.2(b):

Reference letter number and date of authorization/approval issued by RBI is to be mentioned.

Item No.2(c):

The Licence No., if already available (as obtained from concerned Regional Offices of RBI) is to be written; otherwise the same should be communicated later on along with Uniform Codes.

Item No.2 (d):

The exact date (including month & year) of licence is to be indicated.

Item No.2 (e):

In case the branch/office/NAIO is opened after expiry of one year from the date of issuing of licence, please indicate whether licence was re-validated or not and if revalidated please mention the date of re-validation.

Item No. 3:

The exact date of opening including month & year is to be mentioned.

Item No. 4.1 to 4.3 and 4.6 to 4.8:

The names/numbers/codes are to be written against the appropriate item number. PIN code against item No. 4.3(b) should be indicated. In respect of mobile office and mobile ATM detailed address of the base branch/ office should be reported.

Item No. 4.4:

The name of the locality i.e. the exact place, where the branch/office /NAIO is located, is to be mentioned. The name of the locality may be the name of village in case the branch/office/NAIO is opened in a village. In case of mobile office or mobile ATM, respective details of the base branch/office should be reported.

Item 4.5 & 5(b):

The names of the Tehsil/Taluka/Sub-division and the Community Development Block with reference to centre name stated at item 5(a) are to be indicated at item Nos. 4.5 and 5(b) respectively.

This may not be applicable in the cases of metropolitan centres.

In case of mobile office or mobile ATM, respective details of the base branch/office should be reported.

Item No.5 (a):

The name of the Village/Town/City/Municipality/Municipal Corporation under the jurisdiction of which the locality mentioned at item No.4.4 is included, is to be written. The name of the village is to be written if the branch/office/NAIO is opened in a village, which is a revenue unit/centre. In case of mobile office or mobile ATM, respective details of the base branch/office should be reported.


If the name of the centre in item no. 5(a) is not written correctly, then the branch/office/NAIO may get wrongly classified with incorrect Part-II code. The name of Panchayat/Block/Tehsil/District, etc. should not appear against item Nos. 4.4 & 5(a) unless the branch/office/NAIO is located in the head quarter of the Panchayat/Block/Tehsil/District.

Item No. 5(e): (refer Item No. 5(a) also)

Latest Census population figure of the Centre (revenue unit) where the branch/office/NAIO is located should be stated. Population of whole of Panchayat/Block/tehsil/district, etc., should not be considered. Population of a revenue centre can be obtained from Census Handbook/Local Census Authority or from local administration such as District Collector/ Tehsildar/Block Development Officer, etc., and a certificate (in original) to this effect, covering following two aspects, should be collected from the concerned local administration and forwarded:

(i) Name of the revenue centre, where the branch/office/NAIO under reference is located.

(ii) Population of the said revenue centre as per the latest census report.

Item No. 6:

An office is administratively independent, if it maintains separate books of accounts and is required to submit one or more BSR returns to RBI.

If there is no administratively independent branch/office of a regional rural bank or of any other commercial/co-operative bank in the centre (revenue unit), as referred to at item 5(a) above, within the limits of which the new branch/office is located, then put tick mark (Ö) against "No", otherwise put tick mark (Ö) against "Yes".

Item No.7 (a):

The names & respective codes of different types (business status) of branches/ offices/NAIOs are listed in categories I to IV below. The appropriate status name & corresponding code is to be written.

As the list is not exhaustive, please state exact status of the office/ branch/NAIO under "Any other branch/office/NAIO " category:



(01)       Registered Office
(02)       Central/Head Office/Principal Office
(03)       Local Head Office
(04)       Regional Office/Area Office/Zonal Office/Divisional Office/ Circle Office
(05)       Funds Management Office
(06)       Lead Bank Office
(07)       Training Centre
(09)       Any other administrative office (not included above, pl. specify)



(10)       General Banking Branch


(A) Agricultural Development/Finance Branches

(11)       Agricultural Development Branch (ADB)
(12)       Specialised Agricultural Finance Branch Hi-Tech.(SAFB Hi-tech)
(13)       Agricultural Finance Branch (AFB)

(B) S.S.I./Small Industries and Small Business Branches

(16)       Small Business Development Branch/office
(17)       Small Scale Industries Branch (SSI)
(18)       Small Industries & Small Business Branch (SIB)

(C) Industrial/Corporate Finance/Large Advances Branches

(21)       Industrial Finance Branch (IFB)
(22)       Corporate Finance Branch (CFB)
(23)       Hire-Purchase and Leasing Finance Branch
(24)       Industrial Accounts Branch
(25)       Large Advances Branch
(26)       Business Finance Branch
(27)       Mid Corporate Branch

(D) Asset Recovery Management/Industrial Rehabilitation Branches

(30)       Asset Recovery Management Services Branch (ARMS)
(31)       Industrial Rehabilitation Branch

(E) Capital Market/Custodial Services/Merchant/Mercantile Banking Branches

(35)       Capital Market Services Branch (CMS)
(36)       Custodial Services Branch
(37)       Merchant Banking Branch
(38)       Mercantile Banking Branch

(F) Overseas/International Banking Offices/Branches

(41)       International Banking Branch/office
(42)       Overseas Branch
(43)       International Business Branch/Office/Centre
(44)       International Exchange Branch

(G) Commercial/Personal Banking Branches

(47)       Non-Resident Indian (NRI) Branch
(48)       Housing Finance Branch
(49)       Personal Banking Services Branch
(50)       Consumer Finance Branch
(51)       Specialised Savings Branch
(52)       Commercial and Personal Banking Branch
(53)       Specialised Commercial Branch
(54)       Draft Paying Branch
(55)       Professionals Branch
(56)       Locker Branch
(57)       Specialised Trading Branch
(58)       Diamond Branch
(59)       Housing Finance Personal Banking Branch

(H) Collection & Payment/Quick(Fast) Service/STARS Branches

(63)       Service Branch/Clearing Branch/Cell
(64)       Collection and Payment Services Branch
(65)       Quick Collection Branch
(66)       Fast Service Branch
(67)       Speedy Transfer and Realisation Services (STARS) Branch

(I) Other type of Specialised Branches

(71)       Treasury Branch (Government Business)
(72)       Stock Exchange Branch
(73)       Auto-Tech Branch
(74)       Fund Transfer Services (FTS) Branch
(75)       Weaker Sections Branch
(76)       Security Services Branch
(77)       Specialised Woman Enterpreneurs Branch
(78)       Specialised Cash Management Services Branch
(79)       Microsafe Branch for Self Help Groups
(80)       Any other category of specialised branch/office (not included above, pl. specify)


(85)       Extension Counter
(86)       Satellite Office
(87)       Mobile Office
(88)       Service Branch*
(89)       Mobile ATM
(90)       On-site ATM
(91)       Off-site ATM
(92)       Representative Office
(93)       Exchange Bureau
(99)       Any Other NAIOs (not included above, pl. specify)

* If it is not maintaining separate books of accounts

Item No. 7(b):
NAIO are Offfices for which separate books of accounts are not maintained and not required to submit BSR returns to RBI. Name of the base branch/office and its Uniform Code Numbers are to be provided with which the accounts of NAIO(s) will be maintained.

Item No. 8(ii)(A)(d):

The appropriate Code among the options listed below is to be indicated:

Code:   Type of Area

(0)       Normal area
(1)       Border area
(2)       Disturbed area (High Risk)
(3)       Area affected by natural calamities (flood/earthquake prone area, etc.)
(4)       Area not having adequate transport facility due to snowfall, etc.

Note: For further clarification contact or write to

    The Director,
    Banking Statistics Division,
    Department of Statistical Analysis & Computer Services,
    Reserve Bank of India, C.O.,
    C-9, 6th floor, Bandra-Kurla Complex,
    Bandra (East),
    Mumbai - 400 051.
    Phone: (022) 2657 1176(direct) / 2657 1086
    Fax: (022) 2657 0847 / 2657 2319

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