Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy

RBI No. 2004-05/ 50 DBOD No. BP. BC. 10 / 21.04.048 / 2004-05 DT.17/07/2004

Master Circular-Prudential norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances


5.1 General

5.1.1 In order to narrow down the divergences and ensure adequate provisioning by banks, t was suggested that a bank's statutory auditors, if they so desire, could have a dialogue with RBI's Regional Office/ inspectors who carried out the bank's inspection during the previous year with regard to the accounts contributing to the difference.

5.1.2 Pursuant to this, regional offices were advised to forward a list of individual advances, where the variance in the provisioning requirements between the RBI and the bank is above certain cut off levels so that the bank and the statutory auditors take into account the assessment of the RBI while making provisions for loan loss, etc.

5.1.3 The primary responsibility for making adequate provisions for any diminution in the value of loan assets, investment or other assets is that of the bank managements and the statutory auditors. The assessment made by the inspecting officer of the RBI is furnished to the bank to assist the bank management and the statutory auditors in taking a decision in regard to making adequate and necessary provisions in terms of prudential guidelines.

5.1.4 In conformity with the prudential norms, provisions should be made on the non-performing assets on the basis of classification of assets into prescribed categories as detailed in paragraphs 4 supra. Taking into account the time lag between an account becoming doubtful of recovery, its recognition as such, the realisation of the security and the erosion over time in the value of security charged to the bank, the banks should make provision against sub-standard assets, doubtful assets and loss assets as below:

5.2 Loss assets

The entire asset should be written off. If the assets are permitted to remain in the books for any reason, 100 percent of the outstanding should be provided for.

5.3 Doubtful assets
    i) 100 percent of the extent to which the advance is not covered by the realisable value of the security to which the bank has a valid recourse and the realisable value is estimated on a realistic basis.

    ii) In regard to the secured portion, provision may be made on the following basis, at the rates ranging from 20 percent to 100 percent of the secured portion depending upon the period for which the asset has remained doubtful:
Period for which the advance has remained in ‘doubtful’ categoryProvision requirement (%)
Up to one year20
One to three years30
More than three years

(i) outstanding stock of NPAs as on March 31, 2004

(ii) advances classified as ‘doubtful more than three years’ on or after April 1, 2004
- 60 per cent with effect from March 31, 2005

- 75 per cent with effect from March 31, 2006

- 100 per cent with effect from March31, 2007

100 percent with effect from March 31, 2005

Two illustrations are furnished below for clarity in this regard.

Illustration 1 . Existing stock of advances classified as'doubtful more than 3 years' as on 31 March 2004

The outstanding amount as on 31 March 2004: Rs 25,000Realisable value of security: Rs 20,000

Period for which the advance has remained in 'doubtful' category as on 31 March2004: 4 years (i.e. Doubtful more than 3 years)

Provisioning requirement:

As on …Provisions on secured portionProvisions on unsecured portionTotal (Rs)
31 Mar 20045010000100500015000
31 Mar 20056012000100500017000
31 Mar 20067515000100500020000
31 Mar 200710020000100500025000

Illustration 2: Advances classified as 'doubtful more than three years'on or after 1 April 2004

The outstanding amount as on 31 March 2004: Rs 10,000Realisable value of security: Rs 8,000

Period for which the advance has remained in 'doubtful' category as on31 March 2004: 2.5 years

Provisioning requirement:

As on …Asset classificationProvisions on secured portionProvisions on unsecured portionTotal (Rs)
31 Mar 2004Doubtful 1 to 3 years30240010020004400
31 Mar 2005Doubtful more than 3 years1008000100200010000

iii) Additional provisioning consequent upon the change in the definition ofdoubtful assets (vide para 4.1.2 above) effective from March 31, 2001 was to bemade in phases as under:
  1. As on 31.03.2001, 50 percent of the additional provisioning requirement on the assets which became doubtful on account of new norm of 18 months for transition from sub-standard asset to doubtful category.

  2. As on 31.03.2002, balance of the provisions not made during the previous year, in addition to the provisions needed, as on 31.03.2002.
iv) Banks are permitted to phase the additional provisioning consequent upon thereduction in the transition period from substandard to doubtful asset from 18 to 12months over a four year period commencing from the year ending March 31, 2005,with a minimum of 20 % each year.Note: Valuation of Security for provisioning purposes

With a view to bringing down divergence arising out of difference in assessmentof the value of security, in cases of NPAs with balance of Rs. 5 crore and abovestock audit at annual intervals by external agencies appointed as per theguidelines approved by the Board would be mandatory in order to enhance thereliability on stock valuation. Collaterals such as immovable properties charged infavour of the bank should be got valued once in three years by valuers appointedas per the guidelines approved by the Board of Directors.

5.4 Sub-standard assets

A general provision of 10 percent on total outstanding should be made withoutmaking any allowance for DICGC/ECGC guarantee cover and securities available.The ‘unsecured exposures’ which are identified as ‘substandard’ would attractadditional provision of 10 per cent, i.e., a total of 20 per cent on the outstandingbalance. The provisioning requirement for unsecured ‘doubtful’ assets would remainunchanged at 100 per cent. Unsecured exposure is defined as an exposure wherethe realisable value of the security, as assessed by the bank/approvedvaluers/Reserve Bank’s inspecting officers, is not more than 10 percent, ab-initio, ofthe outstanding exposure. ‘Exposure’ shall include all funded and non-fundedexposures (including underwriting and similar commitments). ‘Security’ will meantangible security properly discharged to the bank and will not include intangiblesecurities like guarantees, comfort letters etc.

5.5 Standard assets

(i) From the year ending 31.03.2000, the banks should make a general provision of aminimum of 0.25 percent on standard assets on global loan portfolio basis.

(ii) The provisions on standard assets should not be reckoned for arriving at netNPAs.

(iii)The provisions towards Standard Assets need not be netted from gross advancesbut shown separately as 'Contingent Provisions against Standard Assets' under'Other Liabilities and Provisions - Others' in Schedule 5 of the balance sheet.

5.6 Floating provisions

Some of the banks make a 'floating provision' over and above the specific provisionsmade in respect of accounts identified as NPAs. The floating provisions, whereveravailable, could be set-off against provisions required to be made as per abovestated provisioning guidelines. Considering that higher loan loss provisioning adds tothe overall financial strength of the banks and the stability of the financial sector,banks are urged to voluntarily set apart provisions much above the minimumprudential levels as a desirable practice.

5.7 Provisions on Leased Assets

i) Sub-standard assets

a) 10 percent of the sum of the net investment in the lease andthe unrealised portion of finance income net of finance chargecomponent. The terms ‘net investment in the lease’, ‘finance income’and ‘finance charge’ are as defined in ‘AS 19 - Leases’ issued by theICAI.

b) Unsecured lease exposures, as defined in paragraph 5.4above, which are identified as ‘substandard’ would attract additionalprovision of 10 per cent, i.e., a total of 20 per cent.

ii) Doubtful assets

100 percent of the extent to which the finance is not secured by the realisablevalue of the leased asset. Realisable value to be estimated on a realisticbasis. In addition to the above provision, provision at the following ratesshould be made on the sum of the net investment in the lease and theunrealised portion of finance income net of finance charge component of thesecured portion, depending upon the period for which asset has beendoubtful:

PeriodPercentage of provision
Up to one year20
One to three years30
More than three years

(i) outstanding stock of NPAs as on March 31, 2004

(ii) advances classified as ‘doubtful more than three years’ on or after April 1, 2004
- 60 per cent with effect from March 31, 2005

- 75 per cent with effect from March 31, 2006

- 100 per cent with effect from March31, 2007

- 100 percent

iii) Loss assets

The entire asset should be written-off. If for any reason, an asset is allowed toremain in books, 100 percent of the sum of the net investment in the lease and theunrealised portion of finance income net of finance charge component should beprovided for.

5.8 Guidelines for Provisions under Special Circumstances

5.8.1 Government guaranteed advances

With effect from 31 March 2000, in respect of advances sanctioned against StateGovernment guarantee, if the guarantee is invoked and remains in default formore than two quarters ( 90 days at present), the banks should make normalprovisions as prescribed in paragraph 4.1.2 above.

5.8.2 Advances granted under rehabilitation packages approved by BIFR/termlending institutions

(i) In respect of advances under rehabilitation package approved byBIFR/term lending institutions, the provision should continue to be made inrespect of dues to the bank on the existing credit facilities as per theirclassification as sub-standard or doubtful asset.

(ii) As regards the additional facilities sanctioned as per package finalised byBIFR and/or term lending institutions, provision on additional facilitiessanctioned need not be made for a period of one year from the date ofdisbursement.

(iii) In respect of additional credit facilities granted to SSI units which areidentified as sick [as defined in RPCD circular No.PLNFS.BC.57/06.04.01/2001-2002 dated 16 January 2002] and where rehabilitationpackages/nursing programmes have been drawn by the banks themselvesor under consortium arrangements, no provision need be made for aperiod of one year.

5.8.3 Advances against term deposits, NSCs eligible for surrender, IVPs, KVPs, andlife policies would attract provisioning requirements as applicable to their assetclassification status.

5.8.4 However, advances against gold ornaments, government securities and allother kinds of securities are not exempted from provisioning requirements.

5.8.5 Treatment of interest suspense account

Amounts held in Interest Suspense Account should not be reckoned as part ofprovisions. Amounts lying in the Interest Suspense Account should be deducted fromthe relative advances and thereafter, provisioning as per the norms, should be madeon the balances after such deduction.

5.8.6 Advances covered by ECGC/ DICGC guarantee

In the case of advances guaranteed by DICGC/ECGC, provision should be madeonly for the balance in excess of the amount guaranteed by these Corporations.Further, while arriving at the provision required to be made for doubtful assets,realisable value of the securities should first be deducted from the outstandingbalance in respect of the amount guaranteed by these Corporations and thenprovision made as illustrated hereunder:


Outstanding BalanceRs. 4 lakhs
DICGC Cover50 percent
Period for which the advance has remained doubtfulMore than 3 years remained doubtful (as on March 31, 2004)
Value of security held (excludes worth of Rs.)Rs. 1.50 lakhs

Provision required to be made

Outstanding balanceRs. 4.00 lakhs
Less: Value of security heldRs. 1.50 lakhs
Unrealised balanceRs. 2.50 lakhs
Less: DICGC Cover (50% of unrealisable balance)Rs. 1.25 lakhs
Net unsecured balanceRs. 1.25 lakhs
Provision for unsecured portion of advanceRs. 1.25 lakhs (@ 100 percent of unsecured portion)
Provision for secured portion of advance (as on March 31, 2005) Rs.0.90 lakhs (@ 60 per cent of the secured portion)
Total provision to be madeRs.2.15 lakhs (as on March 31, 2005)

5.8.7 Advance covered by CGTSI guarantee

In case the advance covered by CGTSI guarantee becomes non-performing, noprovision need be made towards the guaranteed portion. The amount outstanding inexcess of the guaranteed portion should be provided for as per the extant guidelineson provisioning for non-performing advances. Two illustrative examples are givenbelow:

Example I

Asset classification status:Doubtful-More than 3 years (as on March 31, 2004)
CGTSI Cover75% of the amount outstanding or 75% of the unsecured amount or Rs.18.75 lakh, whichever is the least
Realisable value of SecurityRs.1.50 lakh 
Balance outstandingRs.10.00 lakh 
Less Realisable value of securityRs. 1.50 lakh 
Unsecured amountRs. 8.50 lakh 
Less CGTSI cover (75%)Rs. 6.38 lakh 
Net unsecured and uncovered portion:Rs. 2.12 lakh 
  Provision Required (as on March 31, 2005)
Secured portionRs.1.50 lakhRs. 0.90 lakh (@ 60%)
Unsecured & uncovered portionRs.2.12 lakhRs. 2.12 lakh (100%)
Total provision required Rs. 3.02 lakh

Example II

Asset classification statusDoubtful-More than 3 years (as on March 31, 2005);
CGTSI Cover75% of the amount outstanding or 75% of the unsecured amount or Rs.18.75 lakh, whichever is the least
Realisable value of SecurityRs.10.00 lakh 
Balance outstandingRs.40.00 lakh 
Less Realisable value of securityRs. 10.00 lakh 
Unsecured amountRs. 30.00 lakh 
Less CGTSI cover (75%)Rs. 18.75 lakh 
Net unsecured and uncovered portion:Rs. 11.25 lakh 
  Provision Required (as on March 31, 2005)
Secured portionRs.10.00 lakhRs. 10.00 lakh (@ 100%)
Unsecured & uncovered portionRs.11.25 lakhRs.11.25 lakh (100%)
Total provision required Rs. 21.25 lakh

5.8.8 Take-out finance

The lending institution should make provisions against a 'take-out finance' turninginto NPA pending its take-over by the taking-over institution. As and when the assetis taken-over by the taking-over institution, the corresponding provisions could bereversed.

5.8.9 Reserve for Exchange Rate Fluctuations Account (RERFA)

When exchange rate movements of Indian rupee turn adverse, the outstandingamount of foreign currency denominated loans (where actual disbursement wasmade in Indian Rupee) which becomes overdue, goes up correspondingly, with itsattendant implications of provisioning requirements. Such assets should not normallybe revalued. In case such assets need to be revalued as per requirement ofaccounting practices or for any other requirement, the following procedure may beadopted:
  1. The loss on revaluation of assets has to be booked in the bank's Profit & Loss Account.
  2. Besides the provisioning requirement as per Asset Classification, banksshould treat the full amount of the Revaluation Gain relating to thecorresponding assets, if any, on account of Foreign Exchange Fluctuation asprovision against the particular assets.
5.8.10 Provisioning for country risk

Banks shall make provisions, with effect from the year ending 31 March 2003, on thenet funded country exposures on a graded scale ranging from 0.25 to 100 percentaccording to the risk categories mentioned below. To begin with, banks shall makeprovisions as per the following schedule:

Risk categoryECGC classificationProvisioning requirement (per cent)
Very highC125

For the present, only in respect of the country, where a bank’s net funded exposureis 2 per cent or more of its total assets, the bank is required to make provision fordealing with that country risk exposure. With effect from the year ending March 31,2005, banks are required to make provision for country risk in respect of a countrywhere its net funded exposure is one per cent or more of its total assets.

The provision for country risk shall be in addition to the provisions required to be heldaccording to the asset classification status of the asset. In the case of ‘loss assets’and ‘doubtful assets’, provision held, including provision held for country risk, maynot exceed 100% of the outstanding.

Banks may not make any provision for ‘home country’ exposures i.e. exposure toIndia. The exposures of foreign branches of Indian banks to the host country shouldbe included. Foreign banks shall compute the country exposures of their Indianbranches and shall hold appropriate provisions in their Indian books. However, theirexposures to India will be excluded.

Banks may make a lower level of provisioning (say 25% of the requirement) inrespect of short-term exposures (i.e. exposures with contractual maturity of less than180 days).

5.8.11 Provisioning norms for sale of financial assets to Securitisation Company(SC) / Reconstruction company (RC) –
    (i) If the sale of financial assets to SC/RC, is at a price below the net bookvalue (NBV) (i.e. book value less provisions held), the shortfall should bedebited to the profit and loss account of that year.

    (ii) If the sale is for a value higher than the NBV, the excess provision will notbe reversed but will be utilized to meet the shortfall/loss on account of saleof other financial assets to SC/RC.

    (iii) With a view to enabling banks to meet the shortfall, if any, banks areadvised to build up provisions significantly above the minimum regulatoryrequirements for their NPAs, particularly for those assets which theypropose to sell to securitisation/reconstruction companies.

6.1 In terms of Section 43(D) of the Income Tax Act 1961, income by way of interestin relation to such categories of bad and doubtful debts as may be prescribed havingregard to the guidelines issued by the RBI in relation to such debts, shall bechargeable to tax in the previous year in which it is credited to the bank’s profit andloss account or received, whichever is earlier.

6.2 This stipulation is not applicable to provisioning required to be made as indicatedabove. In other words, amounts set aside for making provision for NPAs as aboveare not eligible for tax deductions.

6.3 Therefore, the banks should either make full provision as per the guidelines orwrite-off such advances and claim such tax benefits as are applicable, by evolvingappropriate methodology in consultation with their auditors/tax consultants.Recoveries made in such accounts should be offered for tax purposes as per therules.

6.4 Write-off at Head Office Level

Banks may write-off advances at Head Office level, even though the relativeadvances are still outstanding in the branch books. However, it is necessary thatprovision is made as per the classification accorded to the respective accounts. Inother words, if an advance is a loss asset, 100 percent provision will have to bemade therefor.

Annex I

Reporting Format for Non-Performing
Assets-Gross and Net Position

[Vide paragraph 3.5]

Name of the Bank:

Position as on …………………………..
(Rupees in crore up to two decimals)

2. Gross NPAs * 
4. Total Deductions (i+ii+iii+iv) 
i) Balance in Interest Suspense account$ 
ii) DICGC/ECGC claims received and held pending adjustment 
iii) Part payment received and kept in suspense account 
iv) Total provisions held ** 
5. Net advances (1-4) 
6. Net NPAs (2-4) 

*excluding Technical write off of Rs. ………. crore.

** excluding amount of technical write off (Rs…….. …crores) and provision onstandard assets (Rs………..crore)

$ banks which do not maintain an Interest Suspense account to park the accruedinterest on NPAs, may furnish the amount of interest receivable on NPAs as a footnote to this statement

Note: For the purpose of this Statement, ‘gross advances’ mean all outstandingloans and advances including advances for which refinance has been received butexcluding rediscounted bills, and advances written off at Head Office level (Technicalwrite off).

Annex II

Relevant extract of the list of direct agricultural advances from the MasterCircular on lending to priority sector - RPCD. PLAN. BC. 42A/ 04.09.01/ 2001-02 dated 11 November, 2002.

1.1 Direct Finance to Farmers for Agricultural Purposes

1.1.1 Short-term loans for raising crops i.e. for crop loans. In addition, advancesupto Rs.5 lakh to farmers against pledge/ hypothecation of agricultural produce(including warehouse receipts) for a period not exceeding 12 months, where thefarmers were given crop loans for raising the produce, provided the borrowers drawcredit from one bank.

1.1.2 Medium and long-term loans (Provided directly to farmers for financingproduction and development needs).

(i) Purchase of agricultural implements and machinery
    (a) Purchase of agricultural implements - Iron ploughs, harrows, hose, landlevellers, bundformers, hand tools, sprayers, dusters, hay-press, sugarcane crushers, thresher machines, etc.

    (b) Purchase of farm machinery - Tractors, trailers, power tillers, tractor accessories viz., disc ploughs, etc.

    (c) Purchase of trucks, mini-trucks, jeeps, pick-up vans, bullock carts and other transport equipment, etc. to assist the transport of agricultural inputs and farm products.

    (d) Transport of agricultural inputs and farm products.

    (e) Purchase of plough animals.
(ii) Development of irrigation potential through –
    (a) Construction of shallow and deep tube wells, tanks, higher etc., and purchase of drilling units.

    (b) Constructing, deepening clearing of surface wells, boring of wells, electrification of wells, purchase of oil engines and installation of electric motor and pumps.

    (c) Purchase and installation of turbine pumps, construction of field channels (open as well as underground), etc.

    (d) Construction of lift irrigation project.

    (e) Installation of sprinkler irrigation system.

    (f) Purchase of generator sets for energisation of pumpsets used for agricultural purposes.
(iii) Reclamation and Land Development Schemes

Bunding of farm lands, levelling of land, terracing, conversion of dry paddy lands intowet irrigable paddy lands, wasteland development, development of farm drainage,reclamation of soil lands and prevention of salinisation, reclamation of ravine lands,purchase of bulldozers, etc.

(iv) Construction of farm buildings and structures, etc.

Bullock sheds, implement sheds, tractor and truck sheds, farm stores, etc.

(v) Construction and running of storage facilities

Construction and running of warehouses, godowns, silos and loans granted tofarmer for establishing cold storages used for storing own produce.

(vi) Production and processing of hybrid seeds for crops.

(vii) Payment of irrigation charges, etc.

Charges for hired water from wells and tube wells, canal water charges,maintenance and upkeep of oil engines and electric motors, payment of labourcharges, electricity charges, marketing charges, service charges to Customs ServiceUnits, payment of development cess, etc.

(viii) Other types of direct finance to farmers

(a) Short-term loans

To traditional/non-traditional plantations and horticulture.

(b) Medium and long term loans
    1. Development loans to all plantations, horticulture, forestry and wasteland.

    2. Financing of small and marginal farmers for purchase of land for agricultural purposes.
Master Circular on Prudential Norms on Income Recognition,
Asset Classification and Provisioning Pertaining to Advances

List of Circulars consolidated by the Master Circular

No.Circular No.DateSubjectPara No.
1RBI/2004/266 RPCD No. Plan.BC 92/04.09.01/2003-0424.06.2004Flow of credit to Agriculture4.2.12 (iv)
2RBI/2004/264 DBOD No. BP.BC 102/21.04.048/2003-0424.06.2004Prudential Norms for Agricultural Advances2.1.4, 4.2.9, 4.2.12(i)
3RBI/2004/261 DBOD No. BP.BC 99/21.04.048/2003-0421.06.2004Additional Provisioning Requirement for NPAs5.3(ii), 5.7(ii),5.8.6, 5.8.7
4RBI/2004/254 DBOD No. BP.BC 97/21.04.141/2003-0417.06.2004Prudential Guidelines on Unsecured Exposures5.4, 5.7(1)
5RBI/2004/253 DBOD No. BP.BC 96/21.04.103/2003-0417.06.2004Country Risk Management Guidelines5.8.10
6DBOD No. BP.BC 96/21.04.048/2002-0323.04.2003Guidelines on sale of financial assets to Securitisation / reconstruction company and related issues 5.8.11
7DBOD BP.BC. NO.74/21.04.048/2002-200327.02.2003Projects under implementation involving time overrun4.2.16
8DBOD No. BP.BC.71/21.04.103/2002-200319.02.2003Risk Management Systems in Banks-Guidelines on Country Risk Management 5.8.10
9DBOD BP.BC. No.69/21.04.048/2002-0310.02.2003Upgradation of loan accounts classified as NPAs 4.2.4
10DBOD. BP.BC No.68/21.04.132/2002-0305.02.2003Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) 4.2.15
11DBOD. BP.BC No.44/21.04.048/2003-0330.11.2002Agricultural loans affected by natural calamities 4.2.12
12DBOD No.BP.BC. 108/21.04.048/2001-200228.05.2002Income recognition,asset classification and provisioning on advances - treatment of projects under implementation involving time overrun4.2.16
13DBOD No.BP.BC. 101/21.01.002/ 2001- 0209.05.2002Corporate Debt Restructuring4.2.15
14DBOD No.BP.BC. 100/21.01.002/ 2001- 0209.05.2002Prudential norms on asset classification4.1.2
15DBOD No.BP.BC. 59/ 21.04.048/2001-200222.01.2002Prudential norms on income recognition, asset classification and provisioning- agricultural advances 4.2.12(i)
16DBOD No.BP.BC. 25/21.04.048/2000-200111.09.2001Prudential norms on income recognition, asset classification and provisioning 4.2.14 (v)
17DBOD No.BP.BC. 15 /21.04.114/2000-200123.08.2001Corporate Debt Restructuring4.2.15
18DBOD No.BP.BC. 132/21.04.048/2000-200114.06.2001Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning for Advances4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.5, 4.2.6(ii), 4.2.7, 4.2.8
19DBOD No. BP.BC. 128/21.04.048/2000-200107.06.2001SSI Advances Guaranteed by CGTSI-Risk-weight and provisioning norms5.8.7
20DBOD No. BP. BC. 116 /21.04.048/ 2000-200102.05.2001Monetary & Credit Policy Measures 2001- 022.1.2, 2.1.3
21DBOD No. BP. BC. 98/21.04.048/ 2000-200130.03.2001Treatment of Restructured Accounts4.2.14
22DBOD No. BP. BC. 40 /21.04.048/ 2000-200130.10.2000Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning - Reporting of NPAs to RBI3.5
23DBOD.No.BP.BC.161/21.04.048/ 200024.04.2000Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy, Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning, etc. 5.5
24DBOD.No.BP.BC.144/21.04.048/ 200029.02.2000Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning and Other Related Matters and Adequacy Standards - Takeout Finance4.2.18, 5.8.8
25DBOD.No.BP.BC.138/21.04.048/ 200007.02.2000Income Recognition,Asset Classification and Provisioning - Export Project Finance 4.2.20
26DBOD.No.BP.BC.103/21.04. 048/ 9921.10.99Income Recognition,Asset Classification and Provisioning - Agricultural Finance by Commercial Banks through Primary Agricultural Credit Societies4.2.9
27DBOD.No.FSC.BC.70/24.01.001/ 9917.07.99Equipment Leasing Activity - Accounting/ Provisioning Norms3.2.3, 5.7
28DBOD.No.BP.BC.45/21.04.048/9910.05.99Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning - Concept of Commencement of Commercial Production4.2.14
29DBOD.No.BP.BC.120/21.04.048/ 9829.12.98Prudential Norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning - Agricultural Loans Affected by Natural Calamities4.2.12(ii) & (iii)
30DBOD.No.BP.BC.103/21.01.002/ 9831.10.98Monetary & Credit Policy Measures4.1.1, 4.1.2, 5.5, 5.8.1
31DBOD.No.BP.BC.17/21.04.048/9804.03.98Prudential Norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning - Agricultural Advances4.2.12
32DOS. No. CO.PP. BC.6/11.01.005/ 96-9715.05.97Assessments relating to asset valuation and loan loss provisioning5.1.3
33DBOD.No.BP.BC.29/21.04.048/9709.04.97Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning - Agricultural Advances4.2.12
34DBOD.No.BP.BC.14/21.04.048/9719.02.97Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning - Agricultural Advances4.2.12
35DBOD.No.BP.BC.9/21.04.048/9729.01.97Prudential Norms - Capital Adequacy, Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning4.2.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.7
36DBOD.No.BP.BC.163/21.04.048/ 9624.12.96Classification of Advances with Balance Less than Rs. 25,000/-4.1
37DOS. No.CO.BC.21/11.02.826/ 96-9731.10.96Assessments relating to asset valuation and loan loss provisioning5.1.1
38DBOD.No.BP.BC.65/21.04.048/9604.06.96Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning4.2.7
39DBOD.No.BP.BC.26/21.04.048/9619.03.96Non-Performing Advances - Reporting to RBI3.5
40DBOD.No.BP.BC.25/21.04.048/9619.03.96Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning 4.2.7, 4.2.13, 6.4
41DBOD.No.BP.BC.134/21.04.048/ 9520.11.95EXIM Bank's New Lending Programme Extension of Guaranteecum- Refinance to Commercial Bank in respect of Postshipment Supplier's Credit 4.2.19
42DBOD.No.BP.BC.36/21.04.048/9503.04.95Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning3.2.2, 3.3, 4.2.19, 5.8.2(i), (ii)
43DBOD.No.BP.BC.134/21.04.048/ 9414.11.94Income Recognition, Asset Classification, Provisioning and Other Related Matters4.2.19, 5.8.2
44DBOD.No.BP.BC.58/21.04.048-9416.05.94Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning and Capital Adequacy Norms - Clarifications5.8.6
45DBOD.No.BP.BC.50/21.04.048/9430.04.94Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning5.8.6
46DOS.BC.4/16.14.001/93-9419.03.94Credit Monitoring System - Health Code System for Borrowal Accounts 1.3
47DBOD.No.BP.BC.8/21.04.043/9404.02.94Income Recognition,Provisioning and Other Related Matters 3.1.2, 3.4, 4.2.10, 4.2.21, 5.6,5.8.3, 5.8.4, 5.8.5
48DBOD.No.BP.BC.195/21.04.048/ 9324.11.93Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning - Clarifications4.2.13
49DBOD.No.BP.BC.95/21.04.048/9323.03.93Income Recognition, Asset Classification, Provisioning and Other Related Matters6.1 to 6.3
50DBOD.No.BP.BC.59/21.04.043-9217.12.92Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning - Clarifications2.1.2,3.2.1, 3.2.2, 4.2.6(i), 4.2.7, 4.2.8(ii), 4.2.11, 4.2.12, 4.2.13, 4.2.15
51DBOD.No.BP.BC.129/21.04.043-9227.04.92Income Recognition,Asset Classification, Provisioning and Other Related Matters 1.1, 1.2, 2.1.1,2.2,3.1.1,3.1.3,4.1, 4.1.1,4.1.2, 4.1.3,4.2, 5.1, 5.1.2,5.2, 5.3, 5.4
52DBOD.No.BP.BC.42/C.469(W)-9031.10.90Classification of Non-Performing Loans3.1.1
53DBOD.No.Fol.BC.136/C.249-8507.11.85Credit Monitoring System - Introduction of Health Code for Borrowal Accounts in Banks 1.3
54DBOD.No.BP.BC.35/21.01.002/9924.04.99Monetary & Credit Policy Measures4.2.13(i), 4.2.13 (iv)
55DBOD.No.FSC.BC.18/24.01.001/ 93-9419.02.94Equipment Leasing,Hire Purchase, Factoring, etc. Activities 2.1, 3.2.3

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