Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy

A. D. Code No……………

Statement of particulars of export bills outstanding beyond prescribed period/ due date of realisation as at 30th June/ 31st December

Part I – Outstanding export bills other than those on deferred payment terms

Sr. No.Bill No. and dateName & Address Of exporterExporter’s Code No. /IE Code No.Date of exportDuedate of reali-sationGR/PP/ SOFTEX form no.Port of ShipmentShipping bill No. and dateName & address Of the overseas BuyerCom-modity

Invoice valueAmount RealisedAmount OutstandingRupee equivalent of outstanding amount (To be classified as)Remarks
Currency and AmountCurrency And AmountCurrency And AmountCash exportsExports on consignment basisUndrawn balances


Part II – Exports on deferred payment terms where instalments (including interest ) are outstanding beyond due date

Sr. No.Name & address of exporterExporter’s Code No./ IE Code No.No. & date of RBI approval for deferred payment termDate of exportGR Form No.Port of Ship-mentShipping bill No.and dateName & address of the overseas buyerComm-odityInvoice value
Currency & Amount

Value of goods covered under deferred payment terms (including interestITotal Amount of deferred instalments (including interest) already receivedTotal Amount of instalments Outstanding (including interest) beyond due dateRupee equiva-lent of outstan-ding amountWhether ECGC cover obtained(Yes /No)No. & dateof bank certificate issuedRemarks


Part III :             Summary

Part I                 Part II          

 Cash exportsExport on consignment basisUndrawn balancesTotalExports on deferred payment basis

Outstandings as on


(End of previous half-year)
Add: Addition during
    the half- year
    under report
Less: Deletion during
    the half-year
Net position of
outstanding as on
(End of half-year
under report)

          We certify that all export bills i.e. export bills purchased, negotiated and sent for collection, outstanding beyond the prescribed period / due date of realisation of as at the end of half-year under report have been included in this statement.

Place: ___________________

Date : ___________________

(Signature of Authorised Official)
Name: ______________________
Designation: _________________

Presented by eximkey.com

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