Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: SEE PARA 4.2OF THIS HANDBOOK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (i) Pumpsofmediumor largecapacitywhose capacityis equal to or larger than 350 cubic metersper hour and drivers (gas turbines and electricmotors) designed for useinthe transportation of crude oil and natural gas. (ii) Equipment designed for use in crude oil export terminels: Loadingbuoys or single point moorings (spm) Flexible hoses for connection between underwater manifolds (plem) and single point mooringand floating loading hosesof large sizes (from 12" to 16"). (iii) Equipmentnotspecially designed for usein crudeoil export terminals but which because oftheir large capacity can be used forthis purpose; Loadingpumpsoflargecapacity (4000 m3/h)andsmall head(10 bars). Boostingpumps within the same range offlow rate. Inline, pipe line, inspection tools and cleaningdevices(i.e.pigging tools)(16"andabove). Metering equipmentoflarge capacity (1000 m3/h and above). (iv) Refineryequipment;Boilers meeting American Societyof Mechanical Engineers 1standards. Furnaces meetingAmericanSociety of Mechanical Engineers8 standards. Fractionationcolumn meeting American Society of MachanicalEngineersAppliances 8 standards. Pumps meeting AmericanPetroleum Institute 610standards.Catalyticreactors meeting AmericanSocietyof Mechanical Engineering8 standards.Prepared catalysts, including the following;Catalysts containing\ platinum Catalysts containing molydenum. (v) SpareParts destined for the items in (i)to (iv) above.
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