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Circular No. 124/35/95-CX dated 10/5/95

Subject: Filing of declaration consequent on abolition of Classification List -

I am directed to invite your attention to the provisions of Rule 173B of Central Excise Rules, 1944, as introduced by Notification No. 11/95-CE (NT) dated the 16th March, 1995.

2. Rule 173B provides for filing of a declaration of goods produced or manufactured by an assessee. In order to secure uniformity and to carry on 1: proper checks in this regard, the following instruction are issued-

3. Assessee shall file the declaration as per Proforma enclosed with the Range Superintendent in quadruplicate by 15th May, 1995 (or within reasonable time thereafter) initially and, thereafter, at the beginning of each financial year. He-should file a fresh declaration as and when there is a change in the rate of duty or tariff classification in respect of the goods manufactured by him or whenever a new item is intended to be manufactured and not contained in the declaration already filed. The correctness and completeness of the declaration should be duly certified by the assessee.

4. The Range Superintendent shall acknowledge forthwith the receipt of the declaration and return the 4th copy back to the assessee in lieu of acknowledgment.

5. The Range Superintendent shall then check the declaration with the goods being manufactured by the assessee and shall also check the previous declaration or the classification list, as the case may be, filed by the assessee. he may also study the manufacturing process and submit the original and duplicate copies of the declaration after retaining the triplicate copy with himself, to the Divisional Assistant Collector alongwith his verification report within 6 (six) weeks of the receipt of the declaration from an assessee. Collector must issue the Instructions that in respect of declaration filed by Non-SSI units, the Range Officer should invariably endorse on the Original and Duplicate copies thereof, ,i verification certificate to the effect that:

""I have visited the assessee manufacturing unit on __________ and verified the description of the product(s), studied the manufacturing process and have satisfied myself about the correctness of the classification and applicability of exemption notification declared herein above"".

However, in case of SSI Units, no Range Officer shall visit them for verifying the declaration except under specific instruction of the Jurisdictional Assistant Collector.

6. The Assistant Collector shall carefully scrutinize the Declaration and the Superintendent"s report thereon. In case the information contained in the declaration is found to be incomplete or incorrect, the Assistant Collector may cause necessary enquiry and also require any person to produce or deliver any document or thing relevant to the enquiry. He may visit the manufacturing unit and also examine any person acquainted with the facts and details of the goods/manufacturing process in question or with the particulars declared in such documents or other records in the manner provided in Section 14 of the Central Excises and Salt Act, 1944.

7. The Divisional Assistant Collector may order provisional assessment in case the declaration is found to be incorrect or incomplete or if he is unable to complete inquiries in terms of Rule 9B.

8. The Assistant Collector after being satisfied with the correctness and completeness of the declaration and after concluding whatever enquiry is necessary, shall forward the Duplicate copy of the Declaration to the Collectorate headquarters. he shall also suitably instruct the Range Superintendent within 30 (thirty) days of the receipt of the Declaration in his office.

9. The Range Superintendent shall finalise the assessment in RT-12 keeping in view the observations/instructions, received from the Assistant Collector with reference to declarations. Show-cause Notice must be issued in time, wherever necessary.

(Navneet Goel)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

F. No.202/5/95-CX-6

Proforma for Filing Declaration under Rule 173B

Range________	Code No.______	1.   Serial Number of the Declaration
				      (to be allotted by the receiving 

Division_______  Code No.______ 2.    Serial Number of the earlier

Collectorate____Code No.______

State________   Code No._______ 3.  Whether Amending/superseding
				    declaration already filed.

Manufacturer"s Code No ________   

Type of Manufacturer"s _________ 

Code No.

1. Name and address of the assessee ________________________________

2. Location of the factory/warehouse ________________________________

3. Central Excise Registration No.________________________________
   Manufacturer"s Code No. _____________________________________

4. Particulars of all excisable ________________________________
   goods (including wholly exempted __________________________
   produced, manufactured, warehoused _______________________

SI. 	Full description of each item of the goods produced 	Chapter heading No. &
No.	manufactured or warehoused including Brand names,	sub-heading No. of the 
	if any, together with the description as would appear 	First Schedule to the 
	in the invoice and specifications having a bearing on 	Central Excises Tariff 
	other classification or the commercial nomenclature 	Act, 1944 under which 
								each goods fall.	
(1)			(2)					(3)	

Effective rate of duty on which goods are assessable		

Type of duty	Rate of duty 	No. & date of the relevant	Remark
		leviable,on  	notification(s) if any,
		each item	having bearing on the 
				applicable rate of duty
(4)		(5)		(6)				(7)	

No.	Full description of goods showing the detailed 		Remarks
	specifications, brand / model		
(1)			(2)					(3)	


	I/We declare that the above particulars are true and correct and complete.

Signature of the Assessee or of the
authorised agent (Rubber Stamp)

Note: 1. Description of goods shall include such details and description also as appear in invoice.

2. List of critical raw materials along with manufacturing process of each item shall be annexed alongwith the declaration.

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