Circular No. 361/77/97-CX dated 3/12/97
Subject: General Exemption 4 of 1997 dated 1.3.1997
General Exemption 4/97 dated 1st March, 1997 gives concessional rate of duty or a nil
rate of duty at Sr. No. 55, 57 & 59 on certain articles of plastics subject to the
conditions that Modvat Credit has not been taken on inputs used in the manufacture of
such goods.
2. A case has been brought to the notice of the Board, where the assessee has simultaneously
availed the benefit of Modvat Credit as well as full
exemption/concessional rates.
3. You will appreciate that if both streams are allowed, accounting of both inputs and
finished products cannot be done properly and poses risk to revenue.
4. Manufacturers should be directed to opt for one or other system under the said
General Exemption i.e., payment of duty or availing of exemption subject to the
condition laid down in the interest of accounting and revenue.
5. Commissioners may kindly inform the Board, how many such instances have come to
their notice and what action has been taken to safeguard Government revenue.
(Renu K.Jagdev)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
F.No. 93/12/97-CX.3
Presented by