Circular No. 168/2/96-CX dated 23/1/96
Certain doubts regarding the duitability of sewing thread falling under heading
No. 55.04 of the erstwhile CET (prior to its amendment before Finance Act, 1995)
during the period 1994-95 have been raised on the grounds that heading No. 55.04 was
not included in note 3 of section XI of the CETA, 1985. Doubts have also been raised
in respect of duty liability on sewing thread manufactured by rewinders on the
ground that exemption to duty paid yarn subjected to rewinding, reeling etc. vide S.No.
5 of notification No. 35/95-CE, dated 16.3.95 as amended by notification No.84/95-CE
dated 18.5.95 would also sewing thread is a doubled/multifold yarn, any exemption to yarn would also apply to sewing thread is a doubled/multifold yarn, any exemption to yarn would also apply to sewing thread unless specifically excluded.
2. The matter has been examined. During the period prior to 1.3.94, sewing thread
falling within the Chapters 52,54 or 55, if manufactured out of d duty paid single
yarn, were exempted from excise duty by virtue of notification No 318/86-CE dated
22.5.86 and subsequently notification No. 53/87-CE dated 1.3.87. It may, however, be
mentioned that the process of making sewing thread out of single yarn was process of
manufacture. It is only then that there was need for issuing a exemption notification
in respect of doubled/multi-fold yarn manufactured from duty paid yarn. It may be
mentioned that even though the words "sewing thread" were include of in the description
of each of the heading No. 52.03, 52.04, 54.02, 54.04, 55.04, 55.05 and 55.06, there
was no Chapter Note indicating that the process of doubling or multifolding of single
yarn amounts to "manufacture". This shows that the duty liability on doubled or
multifold yarn and therefore on sewing thread arose not because the words ".sewing
thread" were included in some of the headings but because of the fact that the sewing
thread is a product different in form, characteristics and uses from the single yarn
out of which it is made. In other words, though it may be basically a double or
multifold yarn the process of conversion of single yarn info double or multifold yarn
results into goods of different character and use and thus. amounts to "manufacture"
under Section 2(f) of the Central Excises and Salt Act, 1944. The argument that there
was a definition of sewing thread for all the headings except heading No. 55.04 in
the tariff is not really relevant so far as the dutiability of sewing thread is
concerned; The dutiability does not arise by virtue of the fact that definition of
sewing thread was provided for in certain headings but by virtue of the fact that the
process of making sewing thread out of single thread out of single yarn in basically
a process of manufacture under Section 2(f). In view of this, excise duty on sewing
thread falling under heading No. 55.04 is required to be levied during the period
1.3.94 to 15.3.95.
3. As part of the 1995 budget changes, separate headings in each of the Chapter 52, 54
and 55 were introduced for sewing thread. Accordingly, every sub-heading relating to
yarn would not include sewing thread within it? scope. Not only that when separate
headings have been prescribed for sewing thread in the tariff, the expression "yarn"
used in the notification would not apply to sewing thread unless specifically
mentioned in the notification itself. Notification No. 35/95-CE exempts only yarn and
does not exempt sewing threads from excise duty in this context, attention is also
invited to para 10 of letter F.No. B 40/4/95 dated 19th May, 1995 wherein also it was
mentioned that the processes of beaming, warping, wrapping, winding or reeling, which
have been exempted vide above notification, are basically necessary for weaving of
fabrics only. The exemption vide S.No. 5 of notification No. 35/95-CE, dated 16.3.95
as. amended by notification No. 84/95-CE dated 18.5.95 would not apply to sewing
(Tarun Kumar Govil)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
F.No. 367/14/95-TRU
Presented by