Circular No. 169/3/96-CX dated 23/1/96
Subject:- Procedure regarding refunds claimed under Notification No. 64/93-
Central Excises, as amended, by car manufacturers.
I am directed to refer to Notification No. 64/93-CE, dated 28.02.93, as
amended, in terms of which saloon cars, used as taxis are effectively charged excise
duty @ 30% ad valor. Since it is not certain, at the time of clearance of a saloon
car from the factory of manufacture, whether it would be used as a taxi, or otherwise,
a provision has been made in the- notification for allowing a refund of an amount
equivalent to the excise duty of ten percentage points to the manufacturer of such
saloon cars. In other words, the intention of the notification is that the TAXI OWNER
should effectively bear. a duty burden of 30% ad valorem and not 41% ad valorem.
2. In this context it has been represented to the Board that the taxi owners generally
purchase the saloon cars from the dealers and rarely from the manufacturers, directly.
Thus, to settle the refund claims, the concerned excise officers insist on proof of
encashment of cheques issued by the manufacturers to persons, in whose names and
saloon cars are registered as taxis. This involves cumbersome .correspondence,
resulting in delays in settling refund claims. Accordingly, the Board is of the view
that having regard to the intention behind the exemption Notification, it would
suffice that conditions under Notification No. 64/93-CE are deemed to be fulfilled, if
the details of registration and proof of payment of differential duty to the customer
(whether directly by the manufacturer or through the dealer) are produced in support
of refund claims.
3. The pending claims may kindly be settled in the light of the above instructions.
(Mallika Arya)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
F.No. 268/9/96-CX.8
Presented by