Circular No. 162/73/95-CX dated 14/12/95
Subject:Checks on delays - Maintenance of "Call Book" –Instructions regarding
Kindly refer to the instructions contained in the Board"s D.O. letter F.No.
101/2/92-CX." dated 4th Murch, 1992 directing that a case should be transferred to the
Cal" Book with the approval of Commissioner/Commissioner (Judicial)./DCi etc. as the
case may be. It is further stated that Board"s Circular No. 53/90-CX.3 dated 6.9.1990,
specifies the circumstances under which a pending case can be transferred to Call
Book. As per the extracts of the Manual of Office Procedure enclosed with the said
circular ""if a current Ciise has readied a stage wlien no action can or need be taken
to expedite its disposal for nt least 6 months (e.g. cases neld up in law courts) it
may be transferred to the Cal" Book with the approval of the Competent Authority."
2. Ihe Comrnissioner, (ustoms & Central Excise, Delhi has requested foi-inclusion of
cerLiin categories of cases for
(i) Cases in wnicil the Department has gone in appeal to the appropriate
(ii) Cases where injunction has been issued by Supreme Court/High
(iii) Cases where audit objec.tions are contested.
(iv) Cases where the Board has specifically ordered the same to be kept
pending and to be entered into the call book.
(Rajiv Bhatia)
Under Secretary (CX.3)
(Please refer
Cir.No. 719/35/2003-CX, Dt. 26/05/2003)
Presented by