Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
Circular No. 58/58/94-CX dated 19/9/94

Subject: Central Excise-Recommendations of Public Accounts Committee (1993-94) (10th Lok Sabha) -69th Report- Follow up

Kind attention is invited to the 69th Report of the Public Accounts Committee (1993-94) (10th Lok Sabha) dealing with action taken by the Government on the recommendations/observations of the Committee contained in their 44th Report (10th Lok Sabha) on "Union Excise Duties-Non-levy/Short levy of duty due to incorrect grant of exemption-Motor Vehicles".

2. Attention is further invited to Para 13 of the said Report (copy enclosed) for information and preventing occurrence of similar cases in future.

(Arvind Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

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