Circular No. 73/73/94-CX dated 7/11/94
Subject: Communication of Board"s instructions and notifications.
In the All India Conference of Collectors (Appeals) held recently at Bangalore on 6th and 7th October,1994, the Collectors (Appeals) complained that the copies of Board"s instructions,
notifications, circulars etc, are not being endorsed to them, while the nature of their work demands that they should
be well posted
with in the changes in law and procedure as well as their interpretation.
2. Member (L&J) while presiding over this Conference desired that copies of all Board"s notifications, circulars, instructions etc. must be endorsed separately to the Collectors (Appeals) directly. They
should be put on the mailing list/despatch list.
3. Similarly, all the Sections and Directors/DS of Customs & Central Excise Tariff Wings, Drawback, PAC and policy Wings should be separately put on the mailing list of all the above communications.
(Deepa Dasgupla)
Deputy Secretary (CX.9)
F.No.296/92/94-CX-9 Presented by