CIR NO.712/28/2003-CX, DT. 05/05/2003
Central Excise - Disposal of adjudication cases-fixation of targets
I am directed to say that PAC in its 39th Report has given certain recommendations on para 2.5 and 2.6 of C&AG Report for the year 1998-99 relating to inordinate delay for recovery of confirmed demands and non-adjudication of demands. Simultaneously Board is also deeply concerned about the large number of cases pending adjudication at various levels.
2. In this connection, your attention is invited to Board’s Circular No.50/88-CX.6 dated 17th June, 1988 in which Board has fixed a minimum target of adjudicating 75 cases per annum for each of the adjudicating authority separately. Now taking into account the number of cases pending adjudication and in the background of recommendations of PAC, Board has revised the target of adjudication for each adjudicating authority separately from 75 cases per annum to 100 cases per annum with immediate effect. Board is of the view that the target of adjudicating 100 cases per annum is achievable and this should ensure against mounting pendencies in the future. Accordingly, Board desires that the revised target should be adhered to by all adjudicating officers without fail.
Yours faithfully
(Vijay Mohan Jain)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India.
F. No. 208/17/2003-CX-6
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