Corrections in the duty drawback rates
G.S.R. 229(E): In the Notification
No.12/2004-Customs(N.T.) dated 29th January, 2004, published in part-II, Section 3, Sub-section (i) of the Gazette of India (Extraordinary), vide G.S.R. 86(E), dated the 29th January,2004, the Central Government hereby makes the following corrections therein, in the following manner:-
1. The drawback rate in column 3, against Serial/Sub-serial No.85.92 in the Table, shall be read as ‘ Rs.3.40 (Rs. three and paise forty only) per hundred pieces’ as against ‘ Rs.3.40 (Rs. three and paise forty only) per tube.’
2. The drawback rate in column 3, against Serial/Sub-serial No.87.38 in the Table, shall be read as ‘Rs.999.00 (Rs. nine hundred ninety-nine only) per M.T. of steel content’ as against ‘Rs.999.00 (Rs. one thousand two hundred ninety-five only) per M.T. of steel content.’
3. The drawback rate in column 3, against Serial/Sub-serial No.87.110 in the Table, shall be read as ‘Rs.1030.00 (Rs. one thousand thirty only) per hundred pieces’ as against ‘Rs.1030.00 (Rs. one thousand thirty-five only) per hundred pieces.’
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
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