NOTIFICATION NO. 20/2007, DT. 13/08/2007
Irrevocable letter of credit in the first sentence of Para 1.5 of FTP - Updated as on 19.04.2007
S.O.(E) In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 read with Paragraph 1.3 of the Foreign Trade Policy(FTP), 2004-2009, as amended, the Central Government hereby makes the following amendments with immediate effect in FTP, 2004-2009 (Updated as on 19.04.2007):-
2. The words ‘irrevocable letter of credit’ in the first sentence of
Para 1.5 of Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-2990 (Updated as on 19.04.2007) shall be substituted by the words ‘irrevocable commercial letter of credit’.
3. This issues in Public Interest.
(Please refer
P. CIR. NO. 04/2007, DT. 16/08/2007 - for Transitional Arrangements under Para 1.5 of Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-2009)
(R.S. Gujral)
Director General of Foreign Trade
Ex Officio Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of India
(Issued from File No.01/91/180/000629/AM08/PC-III)
Presented by