NTF. NO. 10/1997, DT. 29/07/1997
Oil refiners covered by Deemed Exports - Special Imprest Licence also admissible.
In exercise of powers conferred by section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act. 1992 (No.22 of 1992) read with paragraph 1.3 of the Export and Import Policy, 1997 -2002, the Central Government hereby makes following amendments in the Export and Import Policy, 1997 - 2002.
(i) Paragraph 10.2 (g) shall be amended to read as follows :
Supply of goods to the Power, Oil and Gas Sectors including Refineries in respect of which a Notification/Public Notice duly approved by Ministry of Finance, extends the benefits under this chapter to domestic supplies.
(ii) The first sentence of Paragraph 7.6 shall be amended to read as follows :
A Special Imprest Licence is granted to a manufacturer exporter for the import of inputs required in the manufacturer of goods to be supplied to the categories mentioned in Paragraph 10.2 (b), (c) (in case of ‘ZERO’ duty EPCG Licence) (d), (e), (f) and (g) (in case of supplies to Refineries) of the Policy.
2. This issues in public interest.
(S.B. Mohapatra)
Director General of Foreign Trade and Ex-Officio
Additional Secretary to the Govt. of India
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