Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 74 (RE-2001)/1997-2002, Dt. 28/03/2002

Amendments/modifications in the SION

Attention is invited to Paragraph 4.11 of the Export and Import Policy 1997-2002, as amended and Paragraphs 7.8 and 7.10 of the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.1, 1997-2002, as amended and also to the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 1997-2002, as amended from time to time.

2. In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 4.11 of the Export and Import Policy 1997-2002, as amended, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments/modifications and additions in the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 1997-2002, as amended.

3. In the statement of Standard Input Output Norms as contained in the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 1997-2002, as amended, amendments/ corrections/ deletion at appropriate places as mentioned in Annexure "A” to this Public Notice shall be made.

4. In the statement of Standard Input Output Norms, following additions shall be made at appropriate places as mentioned below:-


After the existing entry at Sl.No.A-2834, the new entries at Sl.No.A-2835 to A-2975 shall be added as per Annexure ”B” to this Public Notice.


After the existing entry at Sl.No.C-1764, the new entries at Sl.No.C-1765 to C-1767 shall be added as per Annexure ”C” to this Public Notice.

This issues in public interest.



Annexure “A” to the
Public Notice No. 74
Dated: 28/03/2002


Sl. No. Page No. Reference Amendments/Corrections
1 2 3 4
1. 9-297 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl. No. A 30, A98, A102, A104, A143, A213, A434, A824, A1217,A1227, A1229, A1246, A1263, A1264, A1304, A1354, A1490, A1528, A1588, A1717, A1743, A1997, A2002, A2209, A2216 The notes below these Sl. Nos shall be deleted.
2. 19 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A83 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
3. 34 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A169 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The description of import item at Sl. No. 1 shall be amended to read as under:-

“Relevant Chemicals with specific name”
4. 52-53 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A311, A312 & A313 The notes below these norms shall be deleted.
5. 58 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A351 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
6. 107 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A763 The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Optical Brightener C.1 Fluorescent Brightener – 220 (Assay 82%)”
7. 142 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1026 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. Import item at Sl. No. 3, (with quantity) shall be substituted by the following:-
“3. Frits 1.30 gms/Sq.Mtr.

Raw Materials for frits

(a) Cobalt Oxide
0.625 MT
(b) Borex Penta Hydrate 50.000 MT
(c) Boric Acid 5.000 MT
(d) Zirconium Oxide 1.875 MT
8. 142-43 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1028 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. Import item at Sl. No. 3, (with quantity) shall be substituted by the following:-
“3. Frits 290 gms/Sq.Mtr.

Raw Materials for frits

(a) Cobalt Oxide
0.625 MT
(b) Borex Penta Hydrate 50 MT
(c) Boric Acid 5 MT
(d) Zirconium Oxide 1.875 MT
9. 146 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1050 Import item at Sl. No. 4, (with quantity) shall be substituted by the following:-
“4. Relevant Packing Bags Net to Net

Paper Bags
10. 155 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1168 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Silicon Carbide Grains having purity more than 95%”
11. 155 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1169 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
12. 155 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1173 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
13. 170-71 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1376 The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Linear Alkyl Benzene”
14. 171 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1377 The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Linear Alkyl Benzene”
15. 185-186 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1535 to 1538 The note below these norms shall be deleted.
16. 194 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1586 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
17. 195 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1594 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
18. 200 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1634 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
19. 204 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1663 Both the notes below this norm shall be deleted.
20. 204 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1664 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
21. 205-206 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1666 The notes at Sl. Nos. 1, 6, & 7 below this norm shall be deleted.
22. 206-207 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1667 The notes at Sl. Nos. 1, 2, 3 & 5 below this norm shall be deleted.
23. 207 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1668 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
24. 207-208 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1669 1. The note at Sl. No. 1 & 2 below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The quantity of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“1 kg (excluding the weight of valve)”
25. 208 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1670 Both the notes below this norm shall be deleted.
26. 208-209 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1671 1. The note at Sl. No. 1 below this norm shall be deleted.

2. Import item at Sl. No. 1 (with quantity) shall be substituted by the following:-
“1. a) Natural Rubber 46.00 kgs
b) Synthetic Rubber (PBR/SBR – 1502/1712) 9.00 kg”
27. 209 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1672 The notes below this norm shall be deleted.
28. 209 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1673 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The quantity of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“1 kg (excluding the weight of valve)”
29. 209 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1674 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
30. 210 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1677 Both the notes below this norm shall be deleted.
31. 212-213 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1684 1. All the notes below this norm shall be deleted.

2. Import item at Sl. No. 2 (with quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-
“2. a) Natural Rubber 0.24 kg/kg content of Rubber compound in export product
b) Relevant Synthetic Rubber-SBR (1502/ 1712)/ Polychloro-prene Rubber 0.36 kg/kg content of Rubber compound in export product”
32. 213 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1685 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
33. 213-214 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1686 1. Both the notes below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The import item at Sl. No. 1 (with quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-
“1. a) Natural Rubber 39.73 kgs
b) Synthetic Rubber (SBR-1502/1712)/ PBR 7.87 kg
c) V.P. Latex 0.13 kg”
34. 214 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1687 1. Both the notes below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The import item at Sl. No. 3 shall be amended (without any change of quantity) to read as under:-

“3. Bonding agent for Metal bonded part”.
35. 215-216 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1688 Both the notes below this norm shall be deleted.
36. 215-216 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1691 1. All the notes below this norm shall be deleted.

2. Import item at Sl. No. 1, with quantity, shall be amended to read as under:-
“1. a) Natural Rubber 35 kg
b) Synthetic Rubber (PBR/SBR-1502/1712) 9 kg”
37. 216 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1692 Both the notes below this norm shall be deleted.
38. 217 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1700 1. Both the notes below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The description of import item at Sl. No. 9, shall be amended (without any change in quantity) to read as under:-

“Relevant Synthetic Resin”
39. 217-218 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1701 1. Both the notes below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The import item at Sl. No. 1, with quantity shall be amended to read as under:-
“1. a)Natural/Synthetic Rubber SBR-1502/1712) 0.41 kg
b)PBR 0.17 kg”
40. 218 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1704 All the notes below this norm shall be deleted.
41. 219 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1709 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
42. 219-220 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1710 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
43. 220 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1712 Both the notes below this norms shall be deleted.
44. 221 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1717 1. All the notes below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The import item at Sl. No. 1(b) with quantity shall be amended to read as under:-
“1(b). Synthetic Rubber (SBR-1502/1712)/ PBR 25.63 kgs
(c) V. P. Latex 0.097 kg”
45. 222 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1721 1. All the notes below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The quantity of import item at Sl. No. 7 & 8 shall be amended to read as under:-

“7. 1.05 kg/kg content in export

8. 1.05 kg/kg content in export”
46. 223 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1722 All the foot notes below this norm shall be deleted.
47. 223- 224 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1723 The notes No. 1 & 2, below this norm shall be deleted.
48. 224, 225, 226& 228 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1725, A1728, A1729, A1738 The notes below these norms shall be deleted.
49. 229 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1742 1. The notes No. 1 & 2, below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The quantity of Sl. No. 7, shall be amended to read as under:-

“0.010 kg (value restricted to 3% of FOB value of export”
50. 230-231 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1747 1. The note Nos. 1 & 2, below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The quantity of import items at Sl. Nos. 13 to 17 shall be amended to read as under:-

“1.05 kg/kg content in export”
51. 231 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1748 1. The note Nos. 1 & 2, below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The quantity of import items at Sl. Nos. 13 to 17 shall be amended to read as under:-

“1.05 kg/kg content in export”
52. 234-235 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1758 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The quantity of import item at Sl. No. 5, shall be amended to read as under:-

“1.02 Sq.Mtr./Sq.Mtr. content in export”
53. 235 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1759, A1760 1. The notes below these norms shall be deleted.

2. The quantity of import item No. 4 shall be amended to read as under:-

“(value restricted to 10% of FOB value of export).”
54. 238 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1778 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The import item at Sl. No. 2, with quantity shall be amended to read as under:-
“2. Linear Unsaturated Polyester Resin 4.7 kgs

Styrene Acrylic Copolymer other than ABS/ SAN Resin
4.7 kgs”
55. 240, 244& 252-253 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1788, A1818, A1874 The notes below these norms shall be deleted.
56. 241-242 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A1802 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
57. 252 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A1871 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
58. 253 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A1877 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
59. 253-254 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A1878, A1878, A1880, A1881 The notes below these norms shall be deleted.
60. 263 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A1968 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The quantity of import item at Sl. No. 4, shall be amended to read as under:-

“0.015 kg (value limited to 15% of FOB valueof export)”
61. 270-71 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2024 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
62. 274 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2057 The notes below this norm shall be deleted.
63. 275 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2062 Note Nos. 1 & 2, below this norm shall be deleted.
64. 279-80 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2099 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
65. 280 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2102 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
66. 280 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2103 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. At the end of description of import item at Sl. No. 1, the following shall be added:-

“(for decorative Mug only)”.
67. 287 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2141 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
68. 289 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2157 In import item at Sl. No. 2 the following alternative import item (with quantity) shall be added:-

0.149 kg”
69. 290 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2170 In import item at Sl. No. 2 the following alternative import item (with quantity) shall be added:-

0.274 kg”
70. 296 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2213 In import item at Sl. No. 2 the following alternative import item (with quantity) shall be added:-

0.208 kg”
71. 296 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2214 In import item at Sl. No. 2 the following alternative import item (with quantity) shall be added:-

0.246 kg”
72. 315-16 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2361 All the notes below this norm shall be deleted.
73. 318 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2377 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
74. 11 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2474 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
75. 15 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2478 1. The note below this entry shall be deleted.

2. The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Rubber Backed/ Embedded Coir Mat, Matting/ Rugs/Carpets made out of relevant rubber”
76. 19 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2499 The note below this entry shall be deleted.
77. 20 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2501 The note below this entry shall be deleted.
78. 47 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2652 The note below this entry shall be deleted.
79. 7-8 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2691, A2692 & A2693 The existing note under each of these norms shall be substituted by the following note:-

“Note: this norm is valid up to 30.09.2002.”
80. 18 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2713 1. The note below this entry shall be deleted.

2. The description of export product shall be amended to read as under:-

“Nylon Skin wall chafer bicycle tyre having weight of each tyre not exceeding 580 gms +/- 2% fitted with reflective tape.”
81. 17 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2710 The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“N Benzyl J Acid”
82. 17 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A2712 The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Para Cresidine-6-Methane Sulfonamide (6PCMS)”
83. 15 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2733 In import item at Sl. No. 2 the following alternative import item (with quantity) shall be added:-

0.100 kg”
84. 13 Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No.A2743 In import item at Sl. No. 2 the following alternative import item (with quantity) shall be added:-

225.5 kg”
85.  Chemicals & Allied Products Sl.No. A1767, A2202, A2324, A2360, A2379, A2380, A2383, A2384, A2413, A2414, A2421, A2424, A2425, A2436, A2437, A2446,A2456, A2457, A2464, A2519, A2520, A2521, A2525, A2527, A2531, A2534, A2556, A2661, A2667, A2672, A2706, A2718, A2750, A2751, A2752, A2753, A2754, A2820. The norms covered by these entries shall be shifted to Plastic Group.
86. 398 Electronics Products Sl.No.B-105 The description of import item at Sl. No. 1 the alternative import item shall be added (with quantity) as under:-

1(a) Panel
112 Nos.
(b) Funnel 112 Nos.”
87. 507 Engineering Products Sl.No.C397 1. After import item at Sl. No.3, under the heading (a) H.E. Alloys, the following additional import items (with quantity) shall be added:-
“4. Relevant grade of Stainless Steel 1.10 kg per kg content in the Export Product
5. Nickel 1.10 kg per kg content in the export product
6. Copper 1.10 kg per kg content in the export”
2. After import item at Sl. No.2 under the heading (b) L.E. Alloys, the following additional import item (with quantity) shall be added:-
“3. Alloy with 48% Nickel and balance Ferrows 1.10 kg per kg content in the export Product”
88. 512 Engineering Product Sl.No.C421 The description of import item at Sl. No. 2 shall be amended (with quantity) to read as under:-
“2. Flute Grinding Diamond Wheels Marking Solution and Ultrasonic Solution Upto 5% of overall FOB value of export ”
89. 568 Engineering Products Sl.No.C548 1. The description of import item at Sl. No. 5 shall be amended (without any change in quantity) to read as under:-

“Louver Motor (Synchronous Motor)”

2. The description of import item at Sl. No. 6 shall be amended (without any change in quantity) to read as under:-

“Capacitor relevant”

3. The description of import item at Sl. No. 14 shall be amended (without any change in quantity) to read as under:-

“Aluminium Foil of thickness less than 0.2 mm”
90. 857 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-6 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
91. 863 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-38 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
92. 865-866 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-54 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
93. 866 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-55 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
94. 866-867 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-56 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
95. 867 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-57 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
96. 868 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-60 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The description of the import item at Sl. No. 4, shall be amended to read as under:-

“U.V. Stabilizer (for export with U.V. Stabilizer)”
97. 878-879 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-113 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
98. 880-881 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-120 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
99. 890 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-158 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The description of import item at Sl. No. 1, shall be amended to read as under:-

“Relevant Nylon 6/66 Monofilament Yarn/ Nylon Multifilament Yarn/ Nylon Multimono Twine/ Nylon Mono Twine / Polyester Twisted Twine”
100. 890 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-159 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
101. 893 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-175 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
102. 894 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-182 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The description of import item at Sl. No. 1, shall be amended to read as under:-

“1. Relevant HDPE/LDPE/ EVA”
103. 902 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-236 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Polyurethane Resin Solution @60% Resin/ Total Solid content in relevant Solvent”
104. 902 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-237 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Polyurethane Resin Solution containing 66% Resin in relevant Solvent”

105. 906 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-250 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The description of import item at Sl. No. 1, shall be amended to read as under:-
“1. Glass Fabric of relevant GSM 1.05 Sq.Mtr.”
106. 907 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-253 The norm covered by this entry shall be deleted.
107. 917 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-286 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
108. 924 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-309 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
109. 924 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-310 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
110. 926 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-319 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
111. 927 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-322 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The description of import item at Sl. No. 5, shall be amended to read as under:-

“5. Relevant Nitrile Rubber/PVC or SBR”
112. 927 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-324 1. The notes below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The quantities of import items at Sl. Nos. 8,9 &10 shall be amended to read as “1.05 kg/kg content in export”, “10 gm” and “1.05 kg/kg content in export” respectively.
113. 928 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-330 The norm covered by this entry shall be shifted under Engineering product Group.
114. 928-929 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-331 1. The notes below this entry shall be deleted.

2. The description of import item at Sl. No. 1 & 2, with quantity shall be amended to read as under:-
“1. (a) Polymer namely SAN/Cellulose acetate/ Polypropylene granules 1.05 kg/kg content in export product

Relevant Tooth Brush Handles
Net +2% wastage
(b) Relevant Dyes 1% of weight of plastic content
2. Relevant 6/66/616 Nylon monofilament 1.05 kg/kg content in the export product”
4. Import item at Sl. No. 4 with quantity shall be deleted.
115. 929 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-334 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The description of import item at Sl. No. 2, without any change in quantity shall be amended to read as “Colour Pigments (for coloured product).”
116. 929 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-335 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
117. 930 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-337 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The quantities of import items 3 & 4 shall in each case be amended to read as “0.515 kg/kg weight of Polyurethene foam in the export product”
118. 930 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-338 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. The quantities of import items 5 & 6 shall in each case be amended to read as “0.515 kg/kg weight of Polyurethene foam in the export product”
119. 930-931 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-339 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
120. 932 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-346 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
121. 934 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-361 The norm covered by this entry shall be shifted to Engineering Group.
122. 938 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-382 The note below this norm shall be deleted.
123. 938 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-383 1. The note below this norm shall be deleted.

2. After import item at Sl. No. 3, following item with quantity shall be added:-
“4. Colour Master Batch (for colour product) 0.01 kg”
124. 941 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-401 The norm covered by this entry shall be deleted.
125. 942, 948 & 949 Plastic Products Sl.No.H-404 1. After import item at Sl. No. 1(m), the following items shall be added:-

“(n) Metalised CPP (Cast polypropylene) Film

(o) PVC Heat Shrinkable Film

(p) BOPP Heat Shrinkable Film

2. Note No.7 shall be substituted by the following :-

“7. Additional wastage of 5% is allowed for conversion of LLDPE Granules, LDPE Granules and HDPE Granules into Polyethene Film”.

3. After Sl. No. 12, of Note 12 the specific gravity of the following items (with quantity) shall be added:-
“13. Metalised CPP 0.90
14. PVC Heat Shrinkable Film 1.28
15. BOPP Heat Shrinkable Film 0.90
16. HDPE 0.96
17. LLDPE 0.92
126. 943 Plastic Products Sl.Nos.H-407 & H408 1. The note below these entries shall be deleted.

2. The quantity of export item shall be amended to read as “1 Sq. Mtr. (Net weight of PVC film & coating wt. to be indicated).”

3. The heading of import item at Sl. No. 2, shall be amended to read as “Raw material/kg of coating weight in export(Plastisol).”
127. 14 Textile Products Sl.No.J-96 (amended vide Public Notice No. 45 Dated:01/11/2001) 1. The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Cotton Dyed Denim Cloth with/without Elaston/lycra/ Spandex yarn”

2. The description of import item at Sl. No. 2 (with quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-
“2. Vat Indigo Blue Dye 0.05 kg

Vat (other than Indigo)/ Reactive/sulphur/ Pigment dyes”
0.015 kgs
3. The following Note below this entry shall be added:-

“Note: Vat Indigo blue Dye shall be allowed for import only when the export item is Indigo blue dyed denim cloth.”

Annexure “B” to the
Public Notice No. 74
Dated: 28/03/2002


Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A2835 Naphthalene Beta Sulfonic Acid Sodium Salt 1 kg 1. Naphthalene Crude 0.770 kg
2. Caustic Soda 0.092 kg
A2836 Reactive Blue P3R (Reactive Blue 49) 1 kg. 1. Bromamine Acid (100% purity basis) 0.610 kg

Bromamine Acid (95% purity)
0.642 kg.
2. 2:6 Diamino Mesitylene 4 Sulfonic Acid 0.418 kg.
3. Cyanuric chloride 0.246 kg.
4. Copper Bronze 0.033 kg.
A2837 Di-n-butyl amine 1 kg. 1. n-Butanol 1.208 kg.
A2838 Di-n-Methyl Amine 1 kg. 1. Methanol 0.872 kg.
A2839 Soya Medium Oil Alkyd of 54% Oil Length Having 100% Non Volatile Matter 1 kg 1. Soya bean Oil 0.424 Kg
2. Isopthalic Acid 0.38 Kg
3. Tall Oil Fatty Acid 0.105 Kg
4. C14 Alpha Olefin Chain Terminator (Neodene) 0.032 Kg
5. Di-cyclo Penta Diene 0.242 Kg
6. Methyl Cyclo Penta Diene 0.210 Kg
A2840 Primary gas reformation Catalyst 25-4, containing 18% Nickel Oxide 1 kg 1. Nickel metal unwrought 0.144 Kgs
2. Calcium aluminate cement 0.544 Kgs
3. Graphite 0.054 Kgs
A2841 4 Chloro 2 Amino Phenol 1 kg 1. 2,5 Dichloro Nitro Benzene 1.852 Kg
2. Caustic Soda 2.482Kg
3. Potassium Hydroxide 0.198 Kg
A2842 Napropamide Tech. 90% Minimum 1 kg 1. Alpha Chloro Propionyl Chloride 0.640 Kg

Propionic Acid
0.480 kg
2. Diethyl Amine 0.427 Kg
3. Alpha Naphthol 0.630 Kg
4. Sodium Hydroxide Flakes 0.750 Kg
5. Toluene 0.400 Kg
A2843 Offset Printing Ink –Black having minimum Pigment content 18% (Flush Route) 1 kg 1. Flush Black Base (Pigment 40%) 0.412 kg
2. Printing Inks Vehicle Gel (63% Solid Resin) 0.2575 kg
3. Printing Ink Vehicle Plain (62% Solid Resin) 0.2575 kg
4. PTFE Wax Compound 0.0020 kg
5. Cobalt Magnesium Combined Drier (Metal content 12%+/-0.2%) 0.0103 kg
A2844 Offset Printing Ink –Magenta having minimum Pigment content 17% (Flush Route) 1 kg 1. Flush Magenta (Pigment 40%) 0.412 kg
2. Printing Inks Vehicle Gel (63% Solid Resin) 0.2575 kg
3. Printing Ink Vehicle Plain (62% Solid Resin) 0.2575 kg
4. Polyethylene Wax Compound 0.0310 kg
5. PTFE Wax Compound 0.0020 kg
6. Cobalt Magnesium Combined Drier (Metal content 12%+/-0.2%) 0.0103 kg
A2845 Dimethyl Anthranilate 1 kg 1. Phthalic Anhydride 1.80 kg
2. Caustic Soda Lye 1.155 kg
3. Methanol 0.495 kg
4. Dimethyl Sulphate 1.41 kg
A2846 Ortho Amino Phenol 4 Sulphonic Acid 1 kg 1. Ortho Amino Phenol 0.660 kg
A2847 Sodium Para Sulfo Phenyl Methallyl Ether 1 kg 1. Methallyl Chloride (95% purity) 0.574 kg
A2848 Naphthalene 1,8 Dicarboxylic Anhydride 4-Sulfonic Acid (4-Sulpho NAP Press Cake) 1 kg 1. Ace-Naphthene 1.067 kg
A2849 Meta Sulfo Phenyl Gamma Acid (Purity by HPLC - 96% Min. and Digamma Acid content 0.2% Max.) 1 kg 1. Beta Naphthol 1.520 kg
A2850 Dry Bonding Agent (Rubber Chemical) containing Resorcinol 50 + 2% 1 kg 1. Resorcinol 0.510 kg
A2851 Oleyl amine 1 kg Oleic Acid 1.19 kg
A2852 N-Methyl Gamma Acid 1 kg 1. Beta Naphthol 1.810 kg
A2853 Zinc Chloride Solution (42%) 1 kg 1. Zinc Scrap (85% Zinc Content) 0.248 kg
A2854 3,5 Dinitro Salicylic Acid Methyl Ester 1 kg 1. Methyl Salicylate 0.785 kg
2. Dimethyl Formamide 1.050 kg
A2855 2-Bromo Naphthalene 1 kg 1. Tri-Phenyl Phosphine1. 1.965 kgs
A2856 Red Ink Dispersion (Minimum Pigment content 37%) 1 kg 1. Pigment (Rubine Red/ Red Lake C) 0.381 kg
2. Petroleum Hydro Carbon Solvent (Distillation range 240ºC-300ºC) 0.147 kg
3. Linseed Alkyd Resin (100% Solid) 0.073 kg
4. Vehicle Rosin Resin (Linseed Rosin Ester Solution – 88% Solid content) 0.441 kg
A2857 Red Ink Dispersion (Minimum Pigment content 38%) 1 kg 1. Pigment (Rubine Red, Red Lake C) 0.391 kg
2. Petroleum Hydro Carbon Solvent (Distillation range 240ºC-300ºC) 0.094 kg
3. Linseed Alkyd Resin (100% Solid) 0.073 kg
4. Vehicle Rosin Resin (Linseed Rosin Ester Solution – 88% Solid content) 0.483 kg
A2858 Blue Ink Dispersion (Minimum Pigment content 38%) 1 kg 1. Pigment (Phthalo Blue) 0.391 kg
2. Petroleum Hydro Carbon Solvent (Distillation range 240ºC-300ºC) 0.115 kg
3. Vehicle Rosin Resin (Linseed Rosin Ester Solution – 88% Solid content) 0.535 kg
A2859 Yellow Ink Dispersion (Minimum Pigment content 31%) 1 kg 1. Pigment (AAA Yellow 12) 0.319 kg
2. Petroleum Hydro Carbon Solvent (Distillation range 240ºC-300ºC) 0.073 kg
3. Linseed Alkyd Resin (100% Solid) 0.052 kg
4. Vehicle Rosin Resin (Linseed Rosin Ester Solution – 88% Solid content) 0.598 kg
A2860 Green Ink Dispersion (Minimum Pigment content 40.5%) 1 kg 1. Pigment (Phthalo Green) 0.417 kg
2. Petroleum Hydro Carbon Solvent (Distillation range 240ºC-300ºC) 0.115 kg
3. Vehicle Rosin Resin (Linseed Rosin Ester Solution – 88% Solid content) 0.509 kg
A2861 N-Ethyl N-Benzyl Aniline Sulphonic Acid (N-Ethyl-N-(3 Sulfobenzyl) Aniline 1 kg 1. Mono Ethyl Aniline 0.740 kg

1. a)Aniline
0.632 kg
b)Ethyl Alcohol Denatured (95%) 0.331 kg
2. Benzyl Chloride 0.671 kg
3. Caustic Soda Lye (46% w/w) 0.553 kg
A2862 Tetra Bromo Bisphenol A 1 kg 1. Bisphenol A 0.466 kg
A2863 4 Benzamido 2,5 Diethoxy Aniline 1 kg 1. Hydroquinone 0.852 kg
2. Diethyl Sulphate 3.814 kg
A2864 Baking Powder containing 30% of Sodium Bi-carbonate 1 kg 1. Sodium Bi-carbonate 0.306 kg
A2865 2-Methyl Phenyl Acetic Acid (Ortho Methyl Phenyl Acetic Acid) 1 kg 1. Ortho Xylene 1.230 kg
2. Sodium Cyanide 0.475 kg
A2866 Self Adhesive Paper (175 +/- 10% gsm) of minimum width 1070 mm and Adhesive Coating weight of 20gm/ Sq.mtr. 1 Sq. Mtr. 1. Cast Coated Paper (80+/-10% GSM) of 1090 mm width 1.04 Sq.Mtr.
2. Adhesive (100% Solid) (Rubber based Hot Melt) 0.024 kg
3. Silicon Coated Paper of 1090 mm width (62+/-10% GSM) 1.04 Sq.Mtr.
A2867 Solid Bleached Sulphate Board (SBS Board) 1 MT 1. Wood Pulp 0.8736 MT
2. SBR Latex (50% DRC) 0.0382 MT
3. Kaolin 0.0259 MT
4. Calcium Carbonate 0.1334 MT
5. Carbaoxy Methyl Cellulose 0.0112 MT
6. Rosin 0.0091 MT
A2868 Soya Short Oil Alkyd of 32% Oil Length Having 70 _+ 2% Non Volatile Matter 1 kg 1. Soyabean Oil 0.294 Kg
2. Isopthalic Acid 0.014 Kg
3. Tall Oil Fatty Acid 0.014 Kg
4. C 14 Alpha Olefin ChainTerminator (Neodene) 0.014 Kg
5. Di-cyclo penta Diene 0.357 Kg
6. Mineral spirit (Distillation range 240-330 Degree Cent.) 0.315 Kg
7. Terpthalic Acid 0.014 Kg
8. Maleic Acid 0.028 Kg
A2869 Dehydrogenation catalyst DHC2 (containing 4.242 Gm of Platinum min. purity 99.5%) 1 kg 1. Platinum ( min. purity 99.95%) 4.242 Gm .
A2870 Solvent Green B (Liquid) (Solvent Green 33) (Dye content 60%) 1 kg 1. Quinizarine 0.280 Kg
2. Para Dodecyl Aniline 0.587 Kg
3. Aromatic Hydro Carbon Solvent C10- C11 (Distillation range to be given) 0.480 Kg
A2871 Vat Navy Blue R (Vat Blue 51 CDP) 1 kg 1. Anthraquinone 1.120 kg
2. Hydroxyl Amine Sulphate 0.150 kg
3. Glycerine 0.496 kg
4. Toluene 0.656 kg
5. Caustic Potash Flakes 2.427 kg
6. Caustic Soda Flakes 1.137 kg
7. Soda Ash 0.010 kg
A2872 Pigment Red 81 1 kg 1. Rhodamine 6 GDN (Basic Red 1) (C.I.No.45160) 0.770 kg
2. Molybdenum Trioxide 0.423 kg
3. Molybdenum Ore (containing Molybdenum Trioxide 90%) 0.170 kg
4. Sodium Tungstate 0.030 kg
5. Caustic Soda 0.500 kg
A2873 Glycerol Ester of Gum Rosin 1 kg 1. Gum Rosin containing 90% Abietic Acid 1.06 kg
2. Glycerine 0.109 kg
A2874 Solvent Red 2G (Liquid) (Solvent Red 161) (Dye content 55%) 1 kg 1. Ortho Chloro Para Nitro Aniline 0.300 kg
2. N-Ethyl N-Hydroxy Ethyl Aniline 0.253 kg
3. Vinyl Isobutyl Ether 0.415 kg
4. Aromatic Hydro Carbon Solvent C10, C11) 0.572 kg
A2875 Reactive Blue P3R (Reactive Blue 49) 1 kg 1. Blue P3R Base (condensed Product of Bromamine Acid and 2:6-Diamino Mesitylene 4-Sulphonic Acid) 0.733 kg
2. Cyanuric Chloride 0.246 kg
A2876 Epoxidised Soyabean Oil 1 kg 1. Soyabean Oil (Non-edible Industrial Grade) 0.940 kg
2. Hydrogen Peroxide (50% w/w) 0.370 kg
3. Formic Acid (85% w/w) 0.060 kg
A2877 Vat Black 27 (Vat Olive R CDP) 1 kg 1. Amino Anthraquinone 0.401 kg
2. Anthraquinone 0.602 kg
3. Boric Acid 0.160 kg
4. Nitrobenzene 0.357 kg
5. Benzoic Acid 0.417 kg
6. Sodium Sulphide (on 100% basis) 1.145 kg
A2878 2-(4-Amino-2-Methyl Phenylazo) Naphthalene-4-8 (Disulphonic Acid) (Yellow Base) 1 kg 1. C. Acid (Cassella’s Acid) 0.756 kg
2. Meta Toluidine 0.294 kg
3. Sodium Nitrite 0.176 kg
4. Caustic Soda Flakes 0.645 kg
A2879 Cyclo Hexenyl Ethyl Amine 1 kg 1. Cyclo Hexanone 1.68 kg.
2. Sodium Cyanide 1.055 kg
3. Cobalt Metal 0.2676 kg
A2880 Vat Dark Blue G CDP (Vat Blue 16) 1 kg 1. Anthraquinone 1.282 kg
2. Glycerine 0.567 kg
3. Ethylene Di-bromide 0.992 kg
4. Methanol 1.182 kg
5. Nitrobenzene 1.600 kg
6. Caustic Potash Flakes 1.495 kg
A2881 Disperse Yellow 160 1 kg 1. 2,3 Naphthalene Dicarboxylic Acid Anhydride 0.721 kg
2. 2-Methyl-3-Hydroxy Quinoline-4-Carboxylic Acid 0.850 kg
A2882 Meta Phenylene Diamine 4,6 Disulphonic Acid 1 kg 1. Meta Phenylene Diamine 0.682 kg
A2883 Sulphur 80% WP (Wettasul 80% WP) 1 kg 1. Sulphur 0.812 kg
2. Poly-Carboxylate 0.0232 kg
3. Sodium Salt of Alkyl Naphthalene Sulphonate 0.0114 kg
4. Sodium Ligno- Sulphonate 0.0154 kg
A2884 2, 2 Methylenebis-(6-TertiaryButyl-4-Methylphenol) 1 kg 1. Paracresol 0.784 kg
2. Isobutylene 0.407 kg
3. Paraformaldehyde (90-92% purity) 0.109 kg
A2885 PVC Stabiliser containing Tribasic Lead Sulphate – 32+/-2%, Lead Stearate –58+/-1%, Wax – 10% 1 kg 1. Lead Ingots 0.392 kg
2. Stearic Acid 0.450 kg
3. Wax 0.100 kg
A2886 Bithionol Sulfoxide 1 kg 1. 2,4 Dichloro Phenol 1.360 kg
2. Carbon Tetra Chloride 1.000 kg
3. 1,4 Dioxane 1.00 kg
A2887 Aniline Oil 1 MT 1. Benzene 875 kgs.
2. Palladium-Platinum based Catalyst (Palladium content 4.5%, Platinum content 0.5%) 0.001 kg
A2888 Heat Resistant Latex Rubber Threads (Talc/ Silicone coated) 1 MT 1. Latex Rubber (Dry) 970.00 kgs

Latex Rubber Wet (60% DRC)
1617.00 kgs
2. Rubber Accelerators, namely, ZMBT, Hepteenbase, ZDBC 11.00 kgs
3. Antiozonent (MC Wax, Lowinox) 4.40 kgs
4. Antioxidant (Wingstay L/ Ralox LC/ Irganox 1010) 18.00 kgs
5. Dispersing Agent (Sodium Methoxylate) 0.06 kg
6. Rubber Pigments 51.68 kgs
7. Talcum Powder 60.00 kgs

Silicone Emulsion (for Silicon coated product)
10.00 kgs
8. Bactericide (Sodium-O-Phenyl Phenolic) 0.50 kg
9. Stabilizer (Oliec Acid) 6.00 kgs
10.Filler (Titanium Dioxide) 55.00 kgs
11.Activator (Zinc Oxide) 24.66 kgs
12.a) Nylon Filter Bags – 50 Micron 4 Nos.
b) Nylon Filter Bags – 250 Micron 4 Nos.
c) Filter Cloth (82 Cm x 65 Cm) 8.00 kg
13. Paper for Cartons As per General Packing Policy.
A2889 3,N,N Dimethyl Amino Benzoic Acid 1 kg 1. Meta Nitro Benzoic Acid 1.099 kg.
2. Methanol 0.750 kg.
3. Catalyst (5% Palladium on carbon) 0.0013kg
A2890 4 Methoxy 2 Methyl Diphenyl Amine 1 kg 1. Meta Cresol 1.070 kg.
2. Acetanilide 1.083 kg.
3. Hydrobromic Acid (48%) 1.550 kg.
4. Isopropyl alcohol 0.254 kg.
5. Methanol 0.562 kg.
6. Hydrogen Peroxide (50%) 0.672 kg.
7. Potassium Carbonate 1.090 kg.
A2891 Offset Printing Ink – Yellow having minimum Pigment content 14% (Flush Route) 1 kg 1. Flush Yellow (Pigment 36%) 0.412 kg
2. Printing Inks Vehicle Gel (63% Solid) 0.2575 kg
3. Printing Ink Vehicle Plain (62% Solid) 0.2575 kg
4. Polyethylene Wax Compound 0.0310 kg
5. PTFE Wax Compound 0.0020 kg
6. Cobalt Magnesium Combined Drier (Metal content 12%+/-0.2%) 0.0103 kg
A2892 4-Amino Phenyl Beta Hydroxy Ethyl sulphone (Para Amino Base) 1 kg 1. Aniline Oil 1 kg.
2. Acetic Acid (Glacial) 0.7 Kg.
A2893 Polycarbonate Compound (containing 99.5% Poly Carbonate Resin) 1 kg 1. Tris (Di-butylpheneil) Phos 0.00053 kg
2. UVA 1577 {2-(4,6 diphenyl-1,3,50 Triaz in-2yl) 5-(Hexy)oxyl-Phenol} 0.04725 kg
3. a)Polycarbonate Powder 1.00219 kg
b)Colorants (Relevant) 0.00003 kg

3. Polycarbonate Resin
1.0430 kg
4. Additives (Heat Stabilizers – Phosphite based, Light Stabilizers- Benzotriazole based Stabilizers –Epoxy based, Phosphite based; Anti Oxidants 0.0047 kg
Note: 1.The Polycabonate Compound is based on 99.5% +/- 0.5% Polycarbonate Resin content. In case of any variation, quantities will be calculated on pro-rata .

Note:2.Combination of various additives and Pigments is to be permitted within the quantities indicated against each.
A2894 Polyamide Sheet Reinforced Flat Belt Made out of Nitrile Rubber Compound 1 kg 1. Synthetic Rubber (Nitrile) 0.49 kg/kg of the Rubber compound content in export product
2. Plasticizer (Thiakol) 0.058 kg/kg of the Rubber compound content in export product
3. Processing Aids (A C Polyethylene, Polythylene – Glycol – 4000) 0.01 kg/kg of the Rubber compound content in export product
4. Nylon Yarn 6 Industrial Grade(410 +/- 10 Denier) 1.05 kg/kg content of Nylon Fabric.
5. Polyamide Granules (Ultramid 1c & Ultramid 6a natural) 0.003 kg/kg content in export product.
6. Polyamide Sheets 1.050 kg/kg content in export product.
7. Bonding Agent (Resorcinol) 0.015 kg
A2895 2,4 Di-hydroxy Benzophenone 1 kg 1. Resorcinol 0.653 kg
2. Benzo Trichloride 1.276 kg
3. Methanol 0.637 kg
A2896 Zinc Dibenzyl Dithiocarbamate (100% Assay basic) 1 kg 1. Dibenzylamine 0.700 kg
A2897 Calcium Dodecyl Phenate Detergent (Lubricating Oil Additive) containing Calcium Dodecyl Phenate 40% Minimum 1 kg 1. Dodecyl Phenol 0.367 kg
2. Isodecyl Alcohol 0.010 kg
3. C20-C24 Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid 0.023 kg
4. Slaked Lime 0.103 kg
5. Filter Aid 0.027 kg
A2898 Insulation Paper Board for Transformer (made from 100% Unbleached Sulphate Soft Wood Pulp) 1 kg 1. Unbleached Soft Wood Sulphate Pulp 1.05 kg
A2899 Epoxy Hardener containing 90% TETA 1 kg 1. Triethelene Triamine 0.900 kg
A2900 Epoxy Resin Solution for Anti-corrosive coating containing 70% Epoxy Resin, 30% Furfuryl Alcohol and 3% Silane 1 kg 1. Epoxy Resin 0.700 kg
2. Furfuryl Alcohol 0.300 kg
3. Silane 0.030 kg
A2901 Allura Red (Food Red 17) (C.I. No. 160035) 1 kg 1. Para Cresidine Ortho Sulphonic Acid 0.620 kg
2. Beta Naphthol 0.512 kg
3. Sodium Nitrite 0.210 kg
4. Methanol 1.500 kg
5. Soda Ash 0.300 kg
6. Caustic Soda 0.400 kg
A2902 Diethyl Meta Amino Phenol BCA (2-Hydroxyl-4 N,N Diethyl Amino 2-Carboxy Benzo- phenone 1 kg 1. N,N Diethyl Meta Amino Phenol 0.604 kg

1. a)Metanilic Acid
0.821 kg
b)Ethyl Chloride 0.785 kg
c)Caustic Potash 0.725 kg
d)Caustic Soda 0.906 kg
2. Thalic Anhydride 0.606 kg
A2903 N. Methyl Formanilide 1 kg 1. N-Methyl Aniline 0.955 kg
A2904 Benzyl Amine 1 kg 1. Benzaldehyde 1.06 kg
A2905 2,6 Di-tertiary Butyl Cresol (Butylated Hydroxy Toluene) 1 kg 1. Iso-Butylene 0.663 kg
2. Para Cresol 0.705 kg
A2906 2,5 Thiophenediyl bis-(5-tert-butyl-1, 3-benzoxazole (UVITEX OB) 1 kg 1. 2, 5 Thiophene Dicarboxylic Acid (Thiopen-2,5 DICB-SRE) 0.443 kg
2. 2-Amino 4-ter-butyl Phenol 0.876 kg
3. Soprophor FL/C (Ethanol Nitrolis Hydroxy Poly Phosphate) 0.040 kg
A2907 Pendimethalin Technical 95% 1 kg 1. 4 Nitro Ortho-Xylene 0.581 kg
2. Di-Ethyl Ketone 0.363 kg
3. 3% Platinum Carbon Catalyst 0.0004 kg
4. Ethylene Dichloride 0.155 kg
A2908 Dithianon Technical 93% Minimum 1 kg 1. Sodium Cyanide 0.427 kg
2. Dimethyl Formamide 0.467 kg
A2909 1,1,1 – Tris (Para Hydroxy Phenyl) Ethane 1 kg 1. Para Hydroxy Aceto Phenone 0.654 kg
2. Phenol 1.200 kg
3. Sodium Boro Hydride 0.003 kg
4. 3-Mercapto Propionic Acid 0.065 kg
A2910 Wallastonite Powder coated with 0.5% Amino Alkyl Silane (Silquest A-1100) 1 MT 1. Amino Alkyl Silane (Silquest A-1100) 5.1 kgs
A2911 Wallastonite Powder coated with 1% Amino Alkyl Silane (Silquest A-1108) 1 MT 1. Amino Alkyl Silane (Silquest A-1108) 10.2 kgs
A2912 3 N:N Dimethyl Amine Benzoic Acid 1 kg 1. Meta Nitro Benzoic Acid 1.099 kg
2. Methanol 0.750 kg
3. Catalyst (5% Palladium on Carbon) 0.0013 kg
A2913 2:4 Xylidine/ 2:6 Xylidine 1 kg 1. Meta Xylene 1.16 kg
A2914 Methane Sulfonic Acid 1 kg 1. Dimethyl Disulfide 0.542 kg
A2915 Potassium Meta Bisulfite 1 kg 1. Potassium Carbonate 0.661 kg
A2916 Magnesium Perchlorate Hexahydrate 1 kg 1. Sodium Chlorate 0.714 kg
A2917 Tetra Iso Propyl Titanate 1 kg 1. Titanium Tetra Chloride 0.727 kg
2. Iso Propyl Alcohol 0.921 kg
3. N-Hexane 0.250 kg
A2918 2-Methyl Cyclohexyl Acetate 1 kg 1. Ortho Cresol 0.847 kg
A2919 Losartan Potassium 1 kg. 1. Ortho Tolyl Benzo Nitile 1.60 Kg.
2. Trityl Chloride 2.33 Kg.
3. Sodium Azide 0.54 Kg.
4. Sodium Borohydride 0.78 Kg.
5. Potassium Hydroxide 0.16 Kg.
6. Acetone 1.30 Kg.
7. Toluene 2.17 Kg.
8. Isopropyl Alcohol 1.74 Kg.
A2920 4-(4-Chloro Benzoyl) Phenol 1 kg. 1. Para Chloro Benzoyl Chloride/Para Chloro Bazoic Acid 1.26 Kg.
2. Phenol 0.712 Kg.
3. Iso Propyl Alcohol 0.932 Kg.
A2921 1,2,3,4,5,6 Hexahydro-5,11 Dimethyl-3-Benzyl-2, 6 Methane-3 Benzazocin 8-01 (Nor-Pentazocin) 1 kg 1. 3,4 Lutidine 1.80 Kg.
2. Sodium Borohydride 0.575 Kg.
3. Tetra Hydro Furan 4.35 Kg.
4. Anisyl Alcohol 1.0 Kg.
5. Magnesium Turning 0.40 Kg.
6. Dimethyl Formamide 2.05 Kg.
A2922 4-Chloro Methyl-2-Guanidino Tiazol Hydrochloride 1 kg 1. Guanyl Thiourea 0.60 Kg.
2. 1,3 Dichloro Acetone 0.65 Kg.
A2923 Niclosamide Piperazine Salt 1 kg 1. Piperazine Anhydrous 0.13 Kg.
2. Dimethyl Formamide 1.94 Kg.
A2924 Phenyl Hydrazine Semi Carbazide 1 kg 1. Aniline 0.95 Kg.
2. Sodium Nitrite 0.77 Kg.
3. Caustic Soda Flakes 0.33 Kg.
4. Isopropyl Alcohol 0.77 Kg.
A2925 Azerythromycin 1 kg 1. Erythromycin base (on 100% Activity Basis) 1.86 Kg.
2. Hydroxyl Amine HCL 0.97 Kg.
3. Triethyl Amine 0.48 Kg.
4. Methylene Chloride/Acetoe 1.27 Kg.
5. Platinum Metal 1.05 Gm/Kg.
6. Para Toluene Sulphonyl Chloride 0.69 Kg.
A2926 N Methyl Formanilide 1 kg 1. N-Methyl Aniline 0.955 Kg.
A2927 Para Chloro Phenyl Glycine 1 kg 1. Parachloro Benzaldehyde 1.18 Kg.
2. SodiumCyanide 0.41 Kg.
3. Ethylene Dicholoride 0.885 Kg.
4. Caustic Sodium Flakes 0.81 Kg.
5. Methanol 0.74 Kg.
6. Isopropyl Alcohol 0.32 Kg.
A2928 Acefylline 1 kg 1. Anhydrous Theophylline 0.85 Kg.
A2929 Para Amine Azo Benzene 3,4 Disulfonic Acid 1 kg 1. Aniline Oil 1.350 kg
2. Sodium Nitrate 0.502 kg
3. Caustic Soda Flakes 1.710 kg
A2930 Tetra-N-Butyl Titanate 1 kg 1. Titanium Tetrachloride 0.59 Kg.
2. N Butanol 0.95 Kg.
A2931 Benzhydryl Piperazine 1 kg 1. Benzophene 1.15 kg.
2. Sodium Borohydride 0.115 kg.
3. Thionyl Chloride 0.680 kg.
4. Piperazene 0.55 kg.
5. Methanol 1.15 lit/kg
6. Toluene 1.05 lit./kg
7. Hexane 0.92 lit/kg.
A2932 2,4 Di-hydoxy Benzophenone 1 kg 1. Resorcinol 0.653 kg.
2. Benzo Trichloride 1.276 kg.
3. Methanol 0.637 kg.
A2933 Mono Ethyl Ortho Toluidine 1 kg 1. Ortho Toluidine 1.2 kg.
A2934 Isophthaloyl Chloride 1 kg 1. Isophthalic Acid 0.910 kg.
A2935 Coumarin 1 kg 1. 1,2 Benzopyronecrude (78-84%) 1.21 kg.
A2936 N, N Bis (2-Hydroxy Ethyl) Para Toluidine 1 kg 1. Para Toluidine 0.560 kg.
2. Ethylene Oxide 0.460 kg.
A2937 N, N Bis (2-Hydroxy Propyl) Para Toluidine 1 kg 1. Para Toluidine 0.495 kg.
2. Ethylene Oxide 0.547 kg.
A2938 1,2,3,4 Butane Tetra Carboxylic Acid 1 kg 1. Tetra Hydro Phthalic Anhydride 1.078 Kg.
A2939 N.N. Dimethyl Para Toluidine 1 kg 1. Para Toluidine 0.902 kg
2. Methanol 0.615 kg
A2940 1 Naphthol 3,4 Disulphonic Acid (Violet Acid) 1 kg 1. Refined Naphthalene 2.420 kg
A2941 Styrene Phosphate Acid 1 kg 1. Styrene 0.830 kg
2. Phosphorous Penta Chloride 1.716 kg
A2942 Hydrazone of 4 Sulfo Anthranilic Acid (Sun PH Acid) 1 kg 1. Ortho Nitro Toluene 1.750 kg
A2943 Naproxen 1 kg 1. DL-Naproxen 1.48 kg

1. a) 2-Acetyl-6-Methoxy Napthalene
2.43 kg
b) Potassium Hydroxide 4.09 kgs
c) Hydroxylamine Sulphate 0.93 kg
2. N-Octyl-D-Glucamine 0.70 kg
3. Isopropyl Alcohol 3.76 kgs
4. Methanol 1.08 kg
A2944 Naproxen (from N-Methyl Glucamine Route) 1 kg 1. Beta Napthol 3.05 kgs
2. Propionyl Chloride 2.26 kgs
3. Bromine 3.18 kgs
4. N-Methyl Glucamine 1.39 kg

4. a) Glucose
2.10 kgs
b) Reney’s Nickel 0.14 kg
c) Methanol 9.29 kg
5. Neo Pentyl Glycol 2.14 kgs
6. Trimethyl Orthoformate 4.31 kgs
7. Hydrazine hydrate 0.92 kg
8. Methanol 9.05 kgs
9. E.D.C. 2.92 kgs
A2945 Naproxen (from Tartaric Acid Route) 1 kg 1. Beta Napthol 3.05 kgs
2. Propionyl Chloride 2.26 kgs
3. Bromine 3.18 kgs
4. L-Tartaric Acid 2.95 kgs
5. Trimethyl Ortho Formate 1.81 kg
6. Chloroform 2.32 kgs
7. Methane Sulphonic Acid 0.20 kg
8. Iso Propyl Alcohol 2.92 kgs
9. Sodium Hydroxide Flakes 2.92 kgs
10. Activated Carbon 92.85 gms
A2946 Pefloxacin 1 kg 1. 3 Chloro-4-Fluoro Aniline 1.18 kg
2. EMME 1.90 kg
3. N-methyl Piperazine 2.00 kgs
4. Diethyl Sulphate 4.50 kgs
A2947 Ceramic Glazed Floor tiles Coloured having minimum bonding strength of 350 kgs/Sq.Cm. and Abrasion resistance of minimum 2000 cycles as per PEI method 1000 MT 1. Raw Material for tiles:

a) micronised Zirconium Silicate
20 MT
b) Pigments 6 MT
c) Sodium Tripoly Phosphate 23 MT
2. Consumables:

a) Ceramic Rollers/Pipes
138 Nos.
b) Screen Printing / Bolting Cloth 100 Sq.Mtr.
c) High Steel Casted Rubber coated Pu ches of different sizes 216 Nos.
3. Frits 382 gms/ Sq.Mtr.

Raw Materials for Frites:

a) Cobalt Oxide
0.625 MT
b) Borax Penta Hydrate 50 MT
c) Borix Acid 5 MT
d) Zirconium Oxide 1.875 MT
A2948 Portland Slag Cement 1 MT 1. Coal 0.200 MT/MT of Ordinary Portland Cement contained in export

Petroleum Coke (Minimum Sulphur content 4% and fixed Carbon below 80%)
0.13 MT
2. Bauxite (Percentage Alumina content not less than 86%) (It shall be given if export product contain minimum 60% C3S content) 0.03 MT
3. Magnesite Refractory Bricks (For those using only this quality bricks) 0.0003 MT

Magnesite Chrome Bricks
0.0003 MT
4. Relevant Packing Bags Net to net

Paper Bags
Net +2%
5. Furnace Oil 0.034 KL
A2949 Naphthalene 1.8 Dicarboxylic Anhydride 4-Sulfonic Acid (4-Sulpho NAP Press Cake) 1 kg 1. Ace Naphthene 1.067 kg
A2950 Tertiary Butyl peroxy Pivlate 75% in Odourless Mineral Spirit 1 kg 1. Teritary Butyl Alcohol 0.354 kg
2. Pivoloy 1 Chloride 0.571 kg
3. Hydrogen Peroxide (50%) 0.358 kg
4. Odourless Mineral Spirit 0.250 kg
A2951 Sultamicillin Base 1 kg 1. 6-APA 3.55 kgs
2. Ampicillin Trihydrate 1.45 kg
3. 2-Ethyl Hexanic Acid 1.54 kg
4. Methyl Aceto Acetate 1.06 kg
5. Dimethyl Formamide 1.78 kg
6. Methylene Chloride 5.68 kgs
7. Acetonitrile 1.38 kg
A2952 Para Phenylene Diamine 2, 5 Disulphonic Acid 1 kg 1. Para Phenylene Diamine 0.500 kg
A2953 Koch Acid 1 kg 1. Crude Naphthalene 0.682 kg
A2954 Sulpho C Acid (2- Naphthylamine 4,6,8 Trisulfonic Acid) 1 kg 1. Crude Naphthalene 1.330 kg
2. Soda Ash 2.070 kgs
A2955 N-Methyl Gamma Acid 1 kg 1. Beta Naphthol 1.890 kg
A2956 Naphthalene 1,3,6 Trisulfonic Acid 1 kg 1. Crude Naphthalene 0.737 kg
A2957 Tissue Wet Cleaning of 40’s pack size 100 Pkt. 1. Tissue Paper 1.05 kg/kg net weight of dry tissue paper
2. PP Moulding Powder/ Granules 1.05 kg/kg weight of plastic content and accessories
3. Preservatives namely Methyl Parabens/ Propyl Parabens 8.5% of weight of tissue paper
A2958 Tissue Wet Cleansing of 50’s pack size 100 Pkt. 1. Tissue Paper 1.05 kg/kg net weight of dry tissue paper
2. PP Moulding Powder/ Granules 1.05 kg/kg weight of plastic content and accessories
3. Preservatives namely Methyl Parabens/ Propyl Parabens 8.0% of weight of tissue paper
A2959 Tissue Wet Cleansing of 80’s pack size 100 Pkt. 1. Tissue Paper 1.05 kg/kg net weight of dry tissue paper
2. PP Moulding Powder/ Granules 1.05 kg/kg weight of plastic content and accessories
3. Preservatives namely Methyl Parabens/ Propyl Parabens 7.5% of weight of tissue paper
A2960 Tissue Wet Cleansing of 100’s pack size 100 Pkt. 1. Tissue Paper 1.05 kg/kg net weight of dry tissue paper
2. PP Moulding Powder/ Granules 1.05 kg/kg weight of plastic content and accessories
3. Preservatives namely Methyl Parabens/ Propyl Parabens 6.5% of weight of tissue paper
A2961 Acephate 75% S.P. 1 kg 1. O, O Dimethyl Phos-phoramide Thioate (DMPAT) (90%) 1.05 kg
2. Methylene Chloride and 0.33 kg
Ethyl Acetate 0.16 kg

0.51 kg
3. Acetic Anhydride 0.62 kg
A2962 Automobile Tube (made of Natural Rubber/ Synthetic Rubber) for Bus/ Truck Tyres 100 kgs (excluding the weight of valve) 1 a) Relevant Natural Rubber 44 kgs
b) Synthetic Rubber- SBR-(1502/1712) 3 kgs
c) PBR 6 kgs
2 Carbon Black 25 kgs
3 Rubber Chemicals (Antioxidants, Accelerators, Retarders, Peptizer) (Import of Antioxidants shall not exceed 50% of rubber Chemicals allowed) 1.9 kg
4 Zinc Oxide 3.8 kgs
5 Stearic Acid 0.1 kg
6 Brass Scrap 3 kgs
A2963 Automobiles Tubeless Tyre Reinforced with Nylon Tyre Cord Warp Sheet or Rayon Tyre Cord Warp Sheet for bus/ Truck 100 kgs 1. a) Relevant Natural Rubber 36 kgs
b) Synthetic Rubber – SBR-(1502/1712) 3 kgs
c) PBR 6 kgs
2. Chloro Butyl Rubber 3.8 kgs
3. Carbon Black 22.2 kgs
4. Nylon/ Rayon Tyre Cord/ Warp Sheet (840 Denier and above) 9.55 kgs
5. Bead Wire 4 kg
6. Rubber Chemicals:

a) Antioxidants
1 kg
b) Accelerator, Retarders and Peptizers 1 kg
7. Zinc Oxide 2 kgs
8. All other misc. materials/Chemicals viz. Microcrystalline Wax, Paraffin Wax, Pigments and Softners, Sulphur, Stearic Acid, Solvents, Plasticisers, Synthetic resins, Bonding/ Coupling Agents, Activators and Files, Dip Chemicals (excluding Resorcinol) Mould Release Agents, tackifiers and catalysts and Syloff 7.9 kgs
9. Resorcinol 0.1 kg
Note:1. Item No. 2 and 4 can be given upto 3 kgs more than the quantity allowed but the total of 1, 2 and 4 should not exceed 61.55 kgs.
A2964 High Voltage Porcelain insulators for transmission line application – Pin type insulator 1000 kgs of Porce-lain body 1. Ball Clay 200 kgs
2. Microfined Calcined Alumina 150 kgs
3. Bentonite 25 kgs
4. Sodium CMC 2.5 kgs
5. Green Chrome Oxide 1 kg
6. Zinc Oxide 1 kg
7. Manganese Dioxide 1 kg
8. Blue or Grey Stain 0.8 kg (in case of Blue or Grey insulator only)
A2965 Viscose Staple Fibre (Dyed) 1 kg 1. Caustic Soda Lye 0.50 kg
2. Wood Pulp 1.05 kg
3. Spin Finish Oil 0.002 kg
4. Zinc Sulphate 0.005 kg
5. Additive (Berol) 0.003 kg
6. Disperse Dope Dyes 0.020 kg
A2966 Cubic Zirconia 1 MT 1. Zirconium Oxide (98.5%) 0.852 MT
2. Yitrium Oxide (99.99%) 0.152 MT
A2967 Densified Lamp Block (NH Coke) 1 kg 1. Lamp Black/ Thermal Black 0.506 kg
2. Tar Pitch (Volatile matter 42.3%) 0.791 kg
3. Tar Oil (Volatile matter 80%) 0.132 kg
A2968 Heavy Duty Hard Rubber Battery containers made out of Minimum 20% Styrene Butanene Rubber (SBR) 1502 1 kg 1. Styrene Butanene Rubber (SBR) 1502 0.234 kg
2. Silica 0.0700 kg
3. Sulphur 0.0109 kg
4. Rubber Accelerator 0.0011 kg
A2969 Mechanical Carbon Blanks 1 kg 1. Natural Graphite 0.431 kg
2. Foundry Coke 0.254 kg
3. Tar Pitch 0.313 kg
4. Lamp Black 0.047 kg
5. Pitch Coke 0.070 kg
6. Sulphur 0.053 kg
7. Ammonia Ligno Sulphonate 0.020 kg
A2970 Metallurgical Coke 1 MT 1. Coking Coal 1.33 MT
A2971 Mico Strips (100% Mica) 1 kg 1. Mica Sheet (100% Mica) 1.10 kg
A2972 Nylon Filament Yarn (840 Denier and below) 1 MT 1. Nylon 6 Chips 1.092 MT
2. Spin Finish Oil 18.9 kgs
A2973 Brown Fused Aluminium Oxide Grain 1 MT 1. Brown Fushed Aluminium oxide Crude/ Lump purity 95% minimum 1.1 MT
A2974 Wardrobes/ Shelves made out Household Furniture of Particle Board (Plain or laminated), Medium Density Fibre Boards 1 CBM 1. Plain Particle Board/ Medium Density Fibre Board/ Chip board 1.304 CBM
2. Decorative Paper 165.056 Sq. Mtr.
3. Decorative Edge 9.125 Sq.Mtr.
4. Urea Formaldehyde Resin & Hardener 1.25% of FOB value
5. Hot Melt Glue 1.87% of fob value
6. Finishing Lacquer System (primer, Lacquer, Thinner, Finish Paint, Photo-Initiator, Anti Bubble Agent and Tension Agent) 1.87% of fob value
7. Hardware (parts of Furniture)/Glass/ Mirror Net to Net+1%
A2975 Chest of Drawers, Boards/ Table/ Shelves/ Dressing Stool/ Dressing Mirror made out of particle Boards (Plain or laminated)/ Medium density Fibre Boards 1 CBM 1. Plain Particle Board/ Medium Density Fibre Board/ Chip board 1.294 CBM
2. Decorative Paper 141.391 Sq. Mtr.
3. Decorative Edge 9.596 Sq.Mtr.
4. Urea Formaldehyde Resin & Hardener 1.25% of fob value
5. Hot Melt Glue 1.87% of fob value
6. Finishing Lacquer System (primer, Lacquer, Thinner, Finish Paint, Photo-Initiator, Anti Bubble Agent and Tension Agent)  
7. Hardware (parts of Furniture)/Glass/ Mirror Net to Net+1%

Annexure “C” to the
Public Notice No. 74
Dated: 28/03/2002


Sl.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C1765 Dacrometised or Other equipment surface coated high tensile precision fastners Cold/Hot Forged Bolts/screws All variteties 1 kg 1. Cold heading quality steel wire rod/wires/ bars 1.128 kg
2. Dacromet or other similar materials used for surface coating 0.03225 kg
3. Miscellaneous items Thread rolling Dies/knurling dies(Flat cylinderical), Forming/Cutting Tools and Tools and Alloy Steel Upto 5% of the FOB value
C1766 Dacrometised or Other equipment surface coated high tensile precision fastners Cold/Hot Forged Nuts All variteties 1 kg 1. Cold heading quality steel wire rod/wires/ bars 1.20 kg
2. Dacromet or other similar materials used for surface coating 0.02502 kg
3. Miscellaneous items: taps/ Tapnibs Forming/ Cutting Tools and Tools and Alloy Steel Upto 5% of the FOB value
C1767 Disc Springs made of Cold rolled (annealed/ un-annealed) Non Alloy/Alloy Steel 1 kg 1. Relevant Grade of Cold Rolled Steel Strips/ Wide Coils 1.5 kg

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