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ECA CIR NO. 01/2019, DT. 08.02.2019

Uploadingof Adjudication& AppellateOrderson the DGFTwebsite

This refers to the instructions issued on this subject where by RAs were advised to upload all the Adjudication/Appellate Orders passed by them on the website of the respective Zones. Instances have come to the notice of DGFT where such Orders are not being regularly uploaded by the concerned Zonal offices. A need has been felt to have a system to have all such Orders passed under the FT(DR)Act,1992 by all the authorities available at one place rather than posting at the websites of different Zones. Therefore, it has been decided that all the Adjudicating/ Appellate Authorities in DGFT RAs & SEZs would upload such orders on the DGFT website immediately on issueof such Orders. In thisr egard, a new link has been created in the DGFT website and following guidelines are prescribed:

(i) Go to 'Act & Rules' in the DGFT website.

(ii) Open link 'Orders passed by RAs/SEZs.'

(iii) Upload the Adjudication/ Appellate Order on this link in PDF format.

(iv) All past Orders passed by the Adjudication/ Appellate authorities w.e.f. 1st April, 2018 should be uploaded with in a period of 15 days from the date of issue of this order.

(v) All heads of the RAs/SEZs should ensure that there is no missing order pending for uploading. A confirmation to this effect be sent to Headquarters at e-mail:rajbir.sharma@nic.in by 28th Feb, 2019.

(vi) The existing procedure to mark a copy of Order to CEIB shall continue.

(vii) It should be ensured that Order uploaded should be clear, readable and complete with all the pages uploaded in a right sequence.

(viii) All RAs/SEZ would receive a separate e-mail allotting user ID & Password for accessing the link.

(ix) ECA Dvn. & PC-VI of DGFT Headquarters would ensure that the Appellate & Review Orders passed by DGFT w.e.f. 01.04.2018 are also uploaded within the above said time line by accessing the link "Orders passed by DGFT".

This issues with approval of the Director General of Foreign Trade.

(R.P. Goyal)
Additional Director General of Foreign Trade

File No. 18/82/2018-19/ECA-I

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