NOTIFICATION NO. 30/2023, DT. 30/08/2023
Export of Non-Basmati White Rice (under HS code 1006 30 90) to Bhutan, Mauritius and Singapore.
S.O. (E) - In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 read with section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992), as amended, read with Para 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20 and in accordance with the provision contained in Para 2 (iv) of Notification No. 20 dt. 20.07.2023, export of following quantity of Non-Basmati White Rice (under HS code 1006 30 90) to Bhutan, Mauritius and Singapore is permitted through National Cooperative Exports Limited (NCEL):-
Export of 79000 MTs of Non-Basmati White Rice (under HS code 10063090) to Bhutan.
Export of 14000 MTs of Non-Basmati White Rice (under HS code 10063090) to Mauritius.
Export of 50,000 MT of Non-Basmati White Rice (under HS code 1006 30 90) to Singapore.
2. Effect of the Notification:
Export of Non-Basmati White Rice (under I IS code 10063090) to Bhutan, Mauritius and Singapore is notified.
(Santosh Kumar Sarangi)
Director General of Foreign Trade
Ex-Officio Additional Secretary, Government of India
(Issued from F.No.01/91/191/038/AM-24/EC /E-36779)
Presented by