POLICY CIR NO. 24/2004-09, DT. 22/03/2005
Extension of the date for filing of application for grant of Star Status Certificate
Attention is invited to Para 3.2 of Handbook of Procedures Vol.I 2004-09, wherein the last date for filing of application for grant of Star Status Certificate has been prescribed as 1st of March. A number of representations have been received in Hqrs as well as by Regional Licensing Authorities requesting for extending the last date for submission of such applications for obtaining the Status Certificate for the period 2004-05.
2. Recommendations have been received from some of the Regional Licensing Authorities as well suggesting that this date be extended upto 31st March 2005.
3. Taking into consideration these representations and suggestions received from the RLAs, it has been decided to extend the last date for submission of applications for obtaining Status Certificate during 2004-05, upto 31st March 2005.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
( M.K. Parimoo )
Dy. Director General of Foreign Trade
(F.No : 01/94/180/11/AM05/ PC-IV)
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