Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
CIR. NO. 38/2003, DT. 16/06/2004

Clarifications regarding import of Di-Butyl Phthalate, Di-Octyl Phthalate etc. covered under Exim Code 29.17 of ITC (HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 2002-2007

Representations have been received regarding clarification for classification of Di-Butyl Phthalate, Di-Octyl Phthalate in the ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2002-07.

The issue has been examined in consultation with the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers. It is hereby clarified that the imports of Di-Butyl Phthalate, Di-Octyl Phthalate etc. are specifically covered at Exim Code 29.17 and shall not be cleared as Phthalate Plasticisers under Exim Code 3812.20 of ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 2002-07.

This issues with approval of Director General of Foreign Trade.

(H.C. Azad)
Dy. Director General of Foreign Trade

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