CIR. NO. 02/2003, DT. 09/05/2003
Mandatory standards for import of certain electrical goods and appliances prescribed vide Notification No. 5 dated 7.4.03.
Attention is invited to
Notification No. 5 (RE-2003)/2002-07 dated 7.4.2003 vide which mandatory standards for import of certain electrical goods and appliances have been stipulated to be complied with by the importers. In this connection representations have been received from various Associations and importers and keeping in view the operative difficulties pointed out, it has been decided that such mandatory standards in respect of the items at sl. No. 143 to 159 of the above mentioned notification shall come into force after 17.08.2003. It has also been further decided that the consignments of all such items imports of which have been made after 7th April, 2003 shall also be covered by the above clarification and clearance thereof may be permitted by the customs during the intervening period.
This issues with approval of DGFT
(S.K. Bhardwaj)
Dy. Director
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