POL CIR NO. 16/(RE-99), Dt. 02-07-1999Placement of quantity of 10500MTs of raw sugar and 10200 MTs of white sugar from the free sale quota of 1998-99 season (October to September) for export of preferential raw sugar quota / white sugar quota (1999-2002) to EEC
Attention is invited to the Policy Circular No.5 dated 10.5.99 and No.7 dated 24.5.99 on the above subject.
In partial modification of the above circulars, it is further stated in the matter that as regards the special certification requirement for preferential sugar under EUROPEAN COMMISSION REGULATION No. 2782/76, the following endorsements may be made in respect of preferential sugar export to EU only:
NO.(EEC) 2782/6" REFERS
This endorsement should not be put on consignments of Jaggery or against any consignment of sugar being exported by parties other than ISGIEIC. In other words while there is no change in the GSP certification for EU, the above quoted endorsement alone needs to be made in addition in respect of export of white cane sugar and raw cane sugar to the EU.
This issues with the approval of Director General of Foreign Trade.
(P.C. Tripathi)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
Issued by:
Ministry of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
New Delhi.
F.No.01/91/180/00077/AMOO/PC-III Dated 2nd July, 1999Presented by eximkey.com