Eximkey - India Export Import Policy 2004 2013 Exim Policy
CUS NTF NO.153/1993 DATE 13/08/1993

Exempts the Telematic infrastructural equipment under STP 100% EO Scheme

As amended by Notification No. 101/95-Cus dated 26-5-1995.

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Government, being satisfied taht it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby exempts the telematic infrastructural equipments (hereinafter referred to as the said goods) as specified in the Annexure to this notification, when imported into India for being used for the export of software out of India under the Software Technology Parks Hundred Per cent Export Oriented Scheme from the whole of the customs duty leviable thereon under the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975) and the additional duty if any leviable thereon under Section 3 of the second mentioned Act subject to the following conditions, namely :-

    (i) The importer has been granted the necessary permission to import the said goods by the Inter-Ministerial Standing Committee for Hundred Per cent Export Oriented Units in the Electronics Hardware Technology Parks (EHTP) and Software Technology Parks (STP) appointed by the notificaton of the Government of India in the Ministry of Industry, Department of Industrial Development No. S.O. 117(E), dated the 22nd February, 1993.

    (ii) The importer uses the said goods only for the purpose of export of software.

    (iii) The said importer goods shall be under customs bond and subject to such other conditions as may be specified by the Assistant Commissioner in this behalf.

    (iv) The importer agrees to -

      (a) bring the said goods into the unit and use them within the unit in connection with the export of software;

      (b) not to move the said goods from the unit without the approval of Assistant Commissioner of Customs; and

      (c) to use the said goods only for the purposes of export of software.

    (v) The importer shall produce a certificate to the Assistant Commissioner of Customs from the concerned Chief Executive of the Software Technology Parks Society set up by the Government of India, Department of Electronics, to the effect that the said imported goods are to be installed or used in the unit and that the importer of such goods has been authorised by the said Inter-Ministerial Standing Committee.

    (vi) The importer executes a bond in such form and for such sum and with such authority as may be prescribed by the Assistant Commissioner of Customs binding himself to use the said goods for export of software and to fulfil the conditions stipulated in this notification, and in or under the Import and Export Policy, 1992-97 and the conditions as may be specified by the Department of Electronics, and to pay on demand an amount equal to the duty-leviable on the said goods as are not proved to the satisfaction of the Assistant Commissioner to have been used for the purposes for which the said goods were allowed to be imported.

    (vii) The Commossioner of Customs, may subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by him, allow a unit to re-export the said goods subject to the necessary permission being granted by the Chief Executive of the Software Technology Park.

    (viii) The procedure as may be prescribed by the Commissioner of Customs is followed by such unit.


    1. Network/Transmission Surveillence System
    2. Multi Access Radio Telephone System
    3. Shared Ratio System (Analog and digital)
    4. Sub-system of above telecommunication transmission equipment viz. Antenna, Power Supply, Feeder Cables, Dulexing, Modulator, Demodulator, Equilish and Power Amplifier.

    1. Point to Point Radio System

    (Heading No. IA has been inserted vide Customs NTF No. 55/99 Dt. 7-5-99)

    (Heading of II has been amended vide Customs NTF No. 55/99 Dt. 7-5-99)

    1. High Power Amplifier
    2. Solid State Power Amplifier
    3. Low Noise Amplifier
    4. Ground Communication Equipment
    5. Up/Down Converter
    6. Modulator/Demodulator
    7. Antenna System
    8. TDMA/DSI
    9. Master Earth Station
    10. Micro Earth Station
    11. Radio Network Terminal
    12. Interfacility Link
    13. Pilot Receivers
    14. Radio Frequency Terminal (RFT)
    15. Framing Unit
    16. Switches
    17. Interface and rate converters.
    18. Date Hubes (active and passive).
    19.Software/firmware for any of the above";

    (Sr. Nos 14 to 19 has been inserted vide Customs NTF No. 55/99 Dt. 7-5-99)

    1. Concentrator
    2. Controller/System Controller
    3. Data Modem
    4. Data Multiplexer
    5. Front End Processor
    6. Protocol Converter
    7. Integrated Vocie Data Terminal
    8. Packet Assembled/Dissambler and Packet Switch
    9. Network Management Centre
    10. Software/Firmware for any of above
    11. Direct Access Cross-Connect System (DCAS)
    12. Digital Cross-Connect System (DCCS)
    13. Routers
    14. Data Switches

    (Sr. Nos 12 to 14 has been inserted vide Customs NTF No. 55/99 Dt. 7-5-99)

    (Heading No. IV has been amended vide Customs NTF No. 55/99 Dt. 7-5-99)

    1. Analog or Hybrid Automatic Data Processing Machines
    2. Digital Automatic Data Processing Machine
    3. Input/Output Units
    4. Storage Units
    5. Memory
    6. Video Conferencing Equipment

    (Sr. No. 6 has been inserted vide Customs NTF No. 55/99 Dt. 7-5-99)


    1. Uninterrupted Power Supply System (UPS)
    2. Captive Power Plant including captive generating sets and transformers of capacity commensurate with the actual requirement of the unit and recommended by the concerned Chief Executive of the Software Technology Park Society set up by the Government of India, Department of Electronics
    3. Servo Control System
    4. Central Air Conditioning equipments, Air Conditioning System
    5. Private Automotive Branch Exchange
    6. Fax Machine
    7. Video Projection System
    8. Security System
    9. Computer Furniture
    10. Tool, Kits and spares for the goods specified at number 1 to 9 above.

    (Above heading V. OTHER ITEMS has been substituted vide CUS NTF NO. 05/2007 DATE 15/01/2007)


    1. Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)
    2. Diesel Generating Set
    3. Servo Control System
    4. Air-Conditioner
    5. Private Automatic Branch Exchange
    6. Fax Machine
    7. Video Projection System
    8. Security System
    9. Computer Furniture
    10. Tool, Kits and Spares for the goods specified at number 1 to 9 above. ]

    (Heading No. V has been inserted vide Customs Notification No. 71/2000, Dt. 22-5-2000)

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